Part 6

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On instinct, he pulled his hand out of Luke's grip. "No....but I have I need to stay here any longer.." Zara looked away from Luke, facing the door.

His lips curled into a sad frown..."I understand.." Eyes seeming to brim with a new kind of disappointment

Zara could hear his emotions slightly in his voice. He sighed and glanced back at him. "Luke...please don't sound disapointed."

"I just thought..." His kingdom was just getting too lonely " could stay a while.." Or was it he himself who was lonely? He blinked softly and looked at him with pleading eyes..

He bit his lower lip gently and then sighed. "Alright fine.." He walked back over to the bed, sitting on its edge.

"You must think i am a weird person..If not crazy.." a soft laugh sounded as he sat beside the other

Zara leaned back on his hands, kicking his dangling feet slightly. "Yeah. Kinda do...not many people want my company"

"I would think i was crazy too.." he grinned and walked away to make some tea..Cold tea since no other person had entered his chambers since yesterday. He offered some to the other.."Would you like some?"

"sure" Zara said as he took the offered cup, taking a sip from it. It felt nice having cool liquid go down his throat, it was a bit dry from earlier when he hid under the bed. "Its nice.."

Luke sat once again beside the other..How do you start a conversation with somebody you just tried to kill but saved your life instead? This is the most awkward moment of his twenty third year of being alive. Somehow he viewed Zara is a normal being. None of the oddness of his form bothered him one bit.

Zara shifted in the awkward silence, taking occasional sips if the cold tea. His tail wrapped around his leg, which was comfort to him.

Questions are a good start. He cleared his throat muttered "Are you from a far away country?.." Occasionally luke gathered the law enforcement captains all over his realm..He had never heard news of a demon thief..

"No...But I live near the border" Zara finishes his tea and puts the cup in his lap with his hands, twirling the cup around slightly

A sigh escaped him as he was compelled to say "Forgive me...I do not know how to even talk to you..And i selfishly asked you to stay.." he turns his head to hide his forlorn face. Everyday of his life he had to smile. smile and wave at his subjects..Never was he to show a weakness

Zara sighed aswell "it's fine...I'm used to people not knowing what to say when alone with me...." He then leaned back on the bed, bouncing a bit.

He turned yet again but now faced the leaning figure...A twinge of jealousy struck him as he heard those words.."People are always alone with you.." his tone questioning ,demanding

" at a store, the clerk would be awkward...or if Im alone with a single friend..." He sighed, frowning slightly.

Oddly he imagined being the store clerk or the friend..But he didnt want to be his friend..More like an intimate candidate

Zara ended up laying on his back, his legs dangling completely now

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