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Hey! My name is Paris Angelo. I know what you might be thinking, "Who would name their child Paris?"

Well those parents would be mine. They met each other in Paris and fell in love instantly. It is the city of love of course.

Well they had me there and when they came back to the US, they had to go through a million legal fees and paperwork so I can be an American citizen. To say the least, it cost them a lot of money. We almost became broke after that.

So in conclusion, my parents didn't really care for me after that. But to top it all off, I have a heart condition. How did I get this you may ask? Well this little thing called genetics. My grandfather on my dad's side had congestive heart failure. And his grandfather before him and his grandfather before him and so on.

So yea now I'm telling my story in a hospital bed. Oh I forgot to tell you. I also don't have any parents anymore.

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