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"Be yourself and quit trying to be everyone else" - Author Unknown 


I have never yelled at any of my friends. All their flaws have never bothered me. Actually I used to laugh when Lynn yelled at me about my outfit. But why was this time so different? 

~30 minuets earlier~

"Please Iris, just try on one more before you make up your mind." Shelby won't stop bugging me about it. When I told them I wanted the dress Paris loved, Lynn freaked out and took Laurie to get Paris to try to convince me to try on others. At least that's what they told me. 

"I don't want to Shelbs. I love this dress and I want to wear it. Why are you so hell bent on getting me to try it on." 

Shelby sighs in defeat and says, "Lynn told me to get you to try on other dress. You know she can be scary when she doesn't get what she want's." 

I'm done with Lynn at this point. She can scare me all she want's,, I can take it. But not my Shelby. She has been my best friend since kindergarten and she is an only child. She cant take shit like this like I can. I guess being a disappointment can do that to someone. 

"Wait is she with Paris?" Shelby looks down and nods her head. 

Tears swell up in my eyes and I say, "We need to get down there now!" Shelby grabs the dress I want and gives me a piggy back ride there. 

The closer we get, the better I can hear Lynn yelling at Paris. 

"'Um' Is all you got? Shelby is trying to get her to try on other dresses that we picked out for her and she won't have it! She's wearing a 'I'm going to your quinceanera' dress! She said that she likes the dress with roses on it. Who wears that to Prom Paris?! Hmm? Who?!"

Some thing takes over me and I start yelling at Lynn, "What did you do to him?" 

Lynn pivot's around instantly and screams back, "Why won't you try on anymore dresses Iris?"

"Because I like the one I got and y'all can't do anything to me or him to make me change my mind! Now leave him alone Lynn. You very scary when you don't get things you want." I'm shocked in myself. I have never confronted them and their flaws before. 

We stay staring at each other for another couple of seconds when I see tears swell up in her eyes. 

"Fine lets go pay for your stuff and we can go back to Marble Slab where y'all can drop us off then get back to the hospital." Lynn says sounding defeated.

"I think its a bad time to say this but my mom Is here to pick us up. Marble Slab just closed for the day." Laurie says.

"Fine, I'll pay for mine and Paris' stuff and y'all can just go back home right now." I cant help but to also sound defeated.

I just hurt one of my best friend. I look at Paris and Shelby who are whispering something to each other. This made me feel even worse. Not only did I hurt one of my best friends but I let Paris watch all of it. 

We all awkwardly say goodbye to each other and they walk away. Shelby hands me back the dress before she runs back to ketch up with them. I knew now what Shelby said to Paris. To watch over me because she cant tonight. The rematch game is tomorrow and she has to make sure Lynn is well enough mentally for the game tomorrow. Its her job, being the manager and all, to make sure that all the players are well and fine. 

Paris takes the dress away from me and it makes me realize that we need to get back to the hospital. I push him with my right ankle, since my left is the broken one, towards the cash register. When we get there he puts everything up on the counter and I pull out my card to pay. I honestly don't care how much it is at this point. 

We get back in the car and I drive back to the hospital. I don't say anything to Paris and I think he is to scared to say anything to me. 

When we get to the hospital, I put all the bags on the back of Paris' wheelchair while he gets in. I sit back down on his lap and rest my head on his shoulders. I want to cry so badly I almost cry on his shoulder, but I stop myself. 

We get to my door and I get up off his lap. 

"Today was one of the best days of my life." I loo down at Pairs and say me too in my head. 

But 'Goodnight Paris' is all I could say. He backs up a little and I smile at him one last time before I close the door. I walk back over to my bed and sit down. 

I'm all alone now. As this thought lingers in my mind, I start to cry. At first, it was just a tear from my left eye. A couple of tear drops later, turned into a full on sob. I sob for a couple more seconds and the next thing I know, Paris is sitting by the door that was just flown open. 

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