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"Oh my- we're leaving now!" Everyone grabs their things and their shakes and walk out the door. Lynn grabs Iris stuff, since she is still on crutches, and Shelby wheels me out the door. I am perfectly capable of rolling out of here but they just like to push me around.

Not the bully kind, the other kind.

We all pile into Iris car and drive off.

"Okay where to first?" Laurie asked.

"Oh how about the mall? No offence but you need new clothes Paris." But my outfit is fine. I have a striped polo shirt on and black pants on. 

Okay maybe she has a point. 

It takes all about another two minutes to get there and we all jump out of the car. 

Once we get inside, they push me around towards the clothes area. We end up at this place called Macy's. It looked pretty nice but I still wish we could have looked around more. 

"Okay so were going to go and get some clothes for you to try on and you and Iris can go look around. Paris, you look like your a medium shirt and small in pants with extended length for your long legs. And Iris, prom is coming up so Paris make sure she gets something good okay?" I cant answer Lynn for I am still in shock that she got my entire outfit right and she didn't have to even ask my size. 

She lets out a small chuckle and walks off with Laurie and Shelby. 

"She has that effect on people." I turn to Iris. 

"What?" I ask

"She wants to become a designer when she gets older but her parents don't have enough money to send her to a designer school so she is trying to get a scholarship with basketball." 

"Oh, so are all of you in basketball?" We start to walk off towards the dresses. 

"Yea that's actually how we all met." 

"That's cool." 

We finally get to the dresses and Iris tells me to wait in front of the dressing room. I patiently wait while she tries on some of the dresses she picked out. About 3 minutes pass and she pokes her head out of the dressing room. 

"Don't judge me, I hate how I look in dresses but I need an opinion." She steps out from behind the wall. My breath gets caught in my throat as I look at her. 

In the background, the dress is white and has big red roses all over the dress. The front of it comes up to her knees and the back of it is all the way to the floor. It looks perfect against her honey skin tone. 

"You know you can say something right." But she's wrong. I cant say anything for I'm in fear that I will mess up so badly. I'm terrified that whatever I say next will make her leave for forever. 

"I'm going to go try on the others, just stay here." 

"NO!" I cover my mouth at my suddent outburst. I even scared myself. 

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scream. But you don't need to try on any other dresses. That one is perfect." 

"You sure?" 

"I'm-" I'm about to say 'I'm positive' get cut off when we hear the other girls come back. 

Iris must have heard them too and shoots back into the dressing room. 

"Okay Pairs, go and try these on." I stroll a little down to the men's dressing room and try on the stuff. 

I tried all 5 pants on first so I could get the hardest part out of the way. They were blue jeans and were very comfortable. Two of them were boot cut, is what Lynn called them, and the rest were skinny jeans. 

They also gave me seven new shirts. Three were just one color while four had writing on them. My favorite one said 'Keep Calm and Stroll Along' and had the handicap symbol at the bottom. 

About ten minutes pass and I put my regular clothes back on. I stroll out of there and have Lynn and Laurie standing by the door. 

"Why wasn't Iris in a dress when we got back?" Laurie asked looking very pissed. 

Oh shit. 

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