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"Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don't avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it. Take a breath. You'll be okay. even if you don't feel okay all the time." - Louis C.K.


I look up and see a girl looking down at me. She has the most beautiful hazel eyes. She smiles down at me while I stare at her in awe.

"Watch yourself speedy, you're going to hit someone." Is she talking to me?

"Hello," She waves a hand in front of my face, "earth to speedy" SHE'S TALKING TO ME!!!

"Sorry?" Why did I apologize?

"Are you okay?" No.

"Yea I'm okay?"

"Good now tell me your name." Damn is she bossy. I like her!

"My name is Paris" Now I seriously hate my name.

"Oooo like the city!" Does she like it?

"I love Paris! I hope to live there one day!" I don't think I met anyone this cheerful.

"I was actually born there." That was probably a mistake sayin that.

"OH MY GOD YOU WERE?!!" Yep definitely a mistake.

"I never caught your name?" Tryin to change the subject as quickly as possible.

"Oh yeah, my name is Iris." She has such a beautiful name.

"Walk with me speedy" She starts down the hall and I follow behind her.

"How long have you been here?" I ask her.

"About 3 weeks, some bitch decided to push me mid air as I was making the last shot that would have won us the game."

"Ouch, that sounded like it hurt."

"I didn't feel it, I was either passed out or in surgery." We ended up at the food court.

"Hey wanna grab a bite?" I ask smiling at her.

"Oh my god yes! I'm starving!" I chuckle a little at her comment.

We stand in line, well actually she stands and I sit, and wait for our food. When we order, I get chicken strips and Iris gets ice cream.

"Mind if I steel some fries?" Iris asked when we sit down. I want so say you can steel everything from me, but I decided not to.

"Sure!" Wow did I sound overly cheerful.

"Thanks!" She grabbed some fries from my tray and dipped it in her ice cream.

"What kind of monster are you?!" I almost scream.

"What do you mean?" She's saying it like everyone does it.

"Why are you dipping your fries in your ice cream?!"

"What do you mean? Everyone does it."

"No they don't! They dip their fries in shakes but not their ice cream!"

"Yes they do"

"No they don't"






"Yes, WAIT!"

"Ha got you!"

"I hate you"

"You love me" SHE CAN TELL?!!!

"No I don't"

"Yea ya do. You can't not love me."

"What if I don't? Hmmm? Watch a gonna do then?" Damn am I snarky.

"I don't know? Go to my millions of other lover boys and be with them." She smiles when she says that. She has such a pretty smile.

"Yea right. Like you have a million of boys following you around all the time."

"You know what? If you don't believe me follow me on Snapchat and I'll prove it." Come again?

"What's Snapchat?"

"What hole have you been living under?!" Hey it was an honest question!

"The hospital?"

"Wait how long have you been here?" She looks so concerned about me. I've never had anyone look at me like that before.

"Little over three years?"

"WHAT?!" At this point everyone is staring at us.

"Yea my parents abandoned me here and I have just lived here ever since." Great going Paris! Now she's going to leave.

"Damn speedy. For someone who was born in the best city ever, your parents hated you."

"Jee thanks" I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I grew up with five brothers and I'm used to saying whatever crosses my mind"

"I don't really take anything personal these days." It's true. I had a little kid peed on my wheelchair a couple days ago and it didn't even bother me.

"We got to get you out of here"

"And go where? It's not like we can just leave."

"Says who?"

"Ummm" The law?

"Exactly! Now I'm taking you to go get real food."

"Oh yea and how are we going to get there? It's not just like we can walk right out."

"We're not going to be walking. I've noticed thing around here. Like the nurses counters are super high and we can just stroll right on out of here!"

"Okay so we got me but how about you? You would still be to tall."

"I'll just sit in your lap."

"What?!" I'm not ready for that kind of commitment yet lady. I've only known you for like what an hour?

"Yeah we're going to as quiet as we can then I'm going to sit in your lap and we're going to just stroll on out of here!"

I just look down to finish my chicken strips.

"No no, we are going right now."

Why? We have perfectly good food here!

Well maybe. It is hospital food. But hey, I get it for free.

Iris pulls me away from the table and pushes me with her non hurt ankle towards the door.

Once we get out of the cafeteria, she gets out and sits sideways in my lap and lays her head on my shoulder.

I push on the big wheels on my wheelchair towards the front doors.

I slowly move when we get to the nurses desk and try to stay as close as I can next to the desk so they won't see me.

Once we get past it, I speed as fast as I can towards the doors.

"Where do you think your going?"

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