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"If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me" - Author Unknown 


I stare at Paris while I cover my mouth to cover the noise of my disgusting sob. He looks at me and rolls over to me as fast as he can. I get pulled by my arm into his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and sob even more into his shoulders. He wraps his arms around my waist.

We stay like this for a couple more seconds until he removes his arms from my waist. I'm to tired from crying to look at whats he is going to do. But I figured it out. We are both moving. He strolls for a couple more minutes and then he stops. I finally look up to see were in a completely different hallway. Paris leans forward to open the door.

The room is no bigger than my room. It has a double bed on one side and a dresser on the other. And right next to the dresser, is another door. I'm guessing that leads to the bathroom.

Paris strolls into the room and tells me to lay down on the bed. I nod my head and lay down next to the wall.

"I'll be right back." Paris says. I nod my head and he leaves.

This must be Paris room. Wait. This is Paris' room. Why the fuck would he leave me in a random persons room?

A couple more minutes pass and he comes back.

"Sorry, I went to get you some PJ's. I hope you don't mind me going through your stuff." I didn't know what to say so I just smiled at him. He tossed me my stuff and I sat up to change. He rolled over towards the dresser and grabbed a pair of PJ pants. He went into the bathroom to change So I took the opportunity to change.

He brought me my very old, very comfy 1 Direction fuzzy pants and my dads old A&M football practice shirt. I don't know where to put my other clothes so I put them in a pile on the floor next to the night stand.

I pull the covers back up towards me and stare up at the ceiling. A few more moments pass and I welcome this over powering thing that makes me close my eyes into eternity.


I went to sleep.

~Time Skip ~

I slowly open my eyes slightly until I see the sun light and then I close them. I stretch my legs out and squeeze whatever I'm holding onto. I immediately let go when I hear a grunt that didn't come from me.

I look up to find that I had snuggled into Paris' arms somewhere in the night and I slowly move back to my side of the bed.

"That didn't hurt you know, just a little uncomfortable" I look at Paris who said that with his eyes close.

Did he sleep talk?

He opened one of his brown colored eyes and looked right at me. I feel my face heat up.

"Yea sorry about that."

"It's okay, just wasn't expecting it."

He rolls over onto his wheelchair that was still reclined fully, then sat it up.

"I'm going to go change then I'll bring you back to your room so you can get ready."

"Ready for what?"

"You'll see." And with that, Paris rolled into the bathroom to change.

I lay on my back and stretch, this time without squeezing anyone to death.

A couple minuets later, Paris came out of the bathroom and motioned me to follow him.

I grabbed the crutches that was in between the bathroom door and the dresser and follow him out of his room. We walk a little 'till we get to my door.

"Hurry up!" Paris says playfully as he motioned his hands towards the door.

I take a deep breath and open it. When I open it, I find a person sitting on my bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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