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No they didn't die. They just left me here in a hospital bed. Yep you guessed it, I'm now a foster child, that has to stay in bed. In a hospital.

Hi, my life sucks how about yours?

Well they left me when I was 14 (when I was diagnosed). They stayed with me for a couple of days in the hospital then they told me, 'We will be right back. We just have to go and get some more clothes from home and shower up and everything okay?'

I was too naive then to realize that they were basically telling me that they were going to go home and never return. Is what it boils down to.

Don't feel bad for me. It doesn't really bother me. Actually it has made me a better person. I go around and help others in the hospital.

Oh, by the way, I also got a new heart! I know it's great right! Not exactly.

They put me at the top of the donors list because I got high blood pressure. I know I'm only 14 and I have high blood pressure. No I pretty much eat only healthy foods. I love my vegetables, I barely eat any candy, and yet I have very high blood pressure.

Well once again, genetics. I know I have the worst genes EVER!

Well because of the high blood pressure I suffered a stroke. It was pretty severe and now I'm paralyzed from the waist down. I know amazing right?!

Well I finaly got that donor heart but it was after the stroke. So now I spend my days roaming the hospital on a wheelchair.

All of that was three years ago. Now I'm 17 and racing down the rampy hallway, and come to a complete stop.

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