- Amalgamation -

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Admiral Derrick Malachi, well former admiral, smiled to himself as his ship left the atmosphere of planet Lydion, the smiling faces of those he had just helped still clear in his mind.

He closed his eyes said a small thank you prayer to God for enabling him to make such a dramatic turnaround in his life.

The ships on board computer beeped and he finished his prayer then opened his eyes to look at it. Reading over the notification displayed on the screen and he frowned. The navigation computer was telling him that it be faster and more efficient for him to use a rendezvous maneuver to connect with the closest star way rather than to free fly towards it. Which was common enough before the advent of the Dynovamator but now days was practically unheard of.

He shrugged and flipped the ship into autopilot. A new screen popped up showing his ship, the planet, the star way, and a blue line depicting his current orbital trajectory. His ship adjusted itself until his orbit was several times smaller than it had been then the onboard computer quickly showed itself planning a few orbital maneuvers that would result in the desired rendezvous and beeped.

He frowned again as he read the readouts, fifteen minutes? That seemed a good bit too long, but the ship had treated him well since he had bought it, so he clicked okay again.

At least this would give him some time to check the StarNet and decide what area needed him and his top of the line automated medical cruiser most next.

Derrick stood up from the captain's seat and walked over to the left wall where he had installed a small cooling chamber. Opening it up he pulled out a fizzy pop. The Healing wind, named after Zephyr of course, had cost him every last crypto he had, he even had to sell his ancestral home to buy it, but the amount of lives he had saved and changed in the last month alone made it worth every last satoshi.

The Healing wind was now his home and his work and for the first time in his life he loved every minute of it.

Well almost every minute of it he thought as he looked at the screen beside the cooling chamber showing that there were no new donations.

"Well I guess I'll be eating noodles again tonight," he muttered to himself. Living off of other people's charity instead of getting paid for your work was new and a bit hard for him.

The first couple weeks hadn't been so bad, the friends he had made while being an admiral were quite generous and they spread the word, but they eventually forgot about him, so he had to expand his supporters. Which had worked right up and to the point where they dropped him like a hot potato to go give their money to an official orphanage being erected in the Lionhearted name.

Without a doubt he was slightly sore over this fact, but to be honest he was quite happy that the survivors of the Lionhearted were still doing good in the galaxy.

Sadly, though he also knew his body couldn't survive forever off of dried packets of noodles and even though the healing wind was fully automated it still needed base materials to make medicine.

"Admiral Malachi," a cheerful melodious voice said as the cockpit's door slid open revealing a tall muscular man.

Derrick jumped back and spun towards the door nearly dropping his fizzy pop as he stared at the intruder.

"Lord Maddog?" He exclaimed. "How in the world did you get aboard my ship?"

Lord Maddog smiled. "I hacked your navigation computer and told it that it be faster for it to rendezvous with the star way rather than fly straight towards it. Then when your ship swung around the dark side of the planet I just docked with it and came aboard. I hope you don't mind I am trying to stay out of the public eye."

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