- Eminent loss -

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 Adolph stood aboard the command deck of his flagship as it left the Lionhearted star away connected to the Armani veil and transitioned into normal space. "Three sixty view," he commanded as he walked into the middle of the command deck his footsteps chiming as he walked across the crystalline floor.

The walls, ceiling, and the floor fell away, and for the first time with his own eyes, he looked upon the Lionhearted secret Staraway. The mega structure formed a perfect sphere constructed out of hundreds of star away rings leading to all corners of the galaxy.

He smiled to himself.

With this discovery his dream of expanding his empire to rule the entire galaxy was no longer just a pipe dream it was a feasible reality. Already his combined military might could take on any single nation with ease. Now he could strike anywhere in the galaxy he wanted giving him unlimited access to all the resources he could ever want. Soon he'd have everything he needed to infinitely increase the size of his military power so that no one could ever stand against him.

Gone were the days of subterfuge and manipulation from now on he'd just take what he wanted.

The only thing that stood in his way was the pesky Lionhearted security that locked each of the rings down and the remnants of the lionhearted themselves. Thankfully his technicians had managed to hack the Armani veil's Lionhearted star away allowing him to bring his entire fleet here and per his orders, they had pre hacked the star way leading to Bograt sending the streekers out before them. No matter where the Lionhearted was currently at, by the end of the week they would be no more.

Then he'd have all the time in the world to hack the rest of the Lionhearted star way network.

"Status report on our probes?" He asked no one in particular.

"We have two confirmed unmapped asteroid fields in the Bograt sector," a young female officer answered from off to his left. "One in G5L and another in D8Z."

Adolph waved his hand bringing up a hologram in front of himself and looking at a map of the Bograt sector. He examined both possible locations for a moment and concluded that the Lionhearted secret base was located in an asteroid field in G5L not in D8Z because it was far too close to an inhabited solar system.

He flicked his hand turning off the hologram and glanced back watching as one of his battleships exited the Lionhearted star away and transitioned into normal space behind his flagship. That's when out of the corner of his eye he realized another one of the star ways were active.

He turned towards it and motioned with his hands zooming in on the ring. The location etched into the metal of the ring was one he didn't recognize which meant this particular ring's end location was outside of the galaxy.

Realizing that the active ring couldn't possibly be one of his men's doing he opened his mouth to order his ship to open fire on and destroy the ring, but before the words reached his lips a small probe suddenly flew out of it and transitioned into normal space.

Instantly the ring it had come from exploded its shattered fragments disintegrating into blue dust, then the rings surrounding it exploded as well.

"Destroy that probe!" Adolph shouted.

Close to a hundred and fifty anti-fighter plasma flak turret open fire on the probe and it vanished in a multicolored cloud of plasma that completely disintegrated it in milliseconds. But the damage had already been done.

The rings adjacent to the exploding star ways exploded as well and then the ones next to them so on and so forth until the explosion wrapped all the way around the giant sphere leaving nothing left of the megastructure but a blue and orange nebula that slowly faded to grey.

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