- Apprehension -

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"That was fast," Adolph stated as he once again walked into the war room.

"Indeed," Hartdion stated. "This Lionhearted star way is close to forty-three times faster than any star way in existence. It also appears to be able to phase straight to objects, which is something that is scientifically impossible as far as we know. It's absolutely fascinating. If we—"

"Yes, yes. You have been prattling on about it for the last half an hour.," general Kameron said cutting him off. "Vilex location is far more important at the moment. With tech like this at his fingertips we don't have time to muck about." The general's hologram tapped the table and the room filled with a hologram of a giant sphere constructed of hundreds of Starway rings. "From what we can tell this junction point allowed the Lionhearted access to every sector in the galaxy even a few outside of the galaxy."

"So, our query could be anywhere?" Adolph asked not particularly happy with the news.

"Not exactly," Hartdion stated. "While it will take us months to gain control over this many rings because the metal forming them is quite ancient it is easy to tell which ones have been used recently."

"And from the preliminary scans we have run already we are able to deduce that while many of them appear to have been used only two of the rings large enough for a capital vessels to fit through have been brought to full power within the last several hundred years," the general said.

"Excellent," Adolph said. "Where do they lead to?"

"According to the engravings on them, one of them leads back to Alitien, confirming my suspicions and thus can be discounted. The other leads to a dead sector on the outer rim named Bograt."

"Good, send out streekers have them focus on deep space in the sector anywhere there might be an asteroid field," Adolph said.

The general nodded and turned to shout commands to his subordinates aboard his ship. "Wait," Adolph said thinking better of his command.

The general's hologram looked back at him.

"Is it possible that they know we have discovered this Lionhearted junction of theirs?" He asked.

"It is possible," the general answered. "But I don't believe they do. There was a handful of sentry drones in the area when our drone arrived but are stealth technology was superior to theirs and we were able to eliminate them without any alarm."

"In that case send the streekers and also ready the fleet we move out tonight," Adolph declared.

"We?" the general asked.

"Yes, I and my flag ship will be attending to this matter personally."


"Ugh I can't do this anymore it's making me sick to my stomach," Stephanie declared standing to her feet. "Did you see his face when we told him we had to put him under? Imagine how he would react if he knew everything he believes about us is a big fat lie, and here we are using it to manipulate him."

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive," Daniel said.

"Oh, don't you dare go quoting that you're the one who started this whole thing," Stephanie snapped.

"No, I didn't," Daniel shot back. "All I did is give him a Bible and some encouraging words to help him out of a funk. All of you are the guys who actually decide to contact him again."

"We have been over this," Michael said calmly. "He is the only way we could gain access to a medical facility on such short notice. Without him and the healing wind people now under our care will die. As far as putting him under we don't have a choice you can't very well go telling some random person about our dimensional doors and it would take way too much time to use the Lionhearted star away even if we were okay with letting him know about it. I'm not happy about it either but it is by far the best choice we have at the moment."

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