- Sacrifice -

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  Malicent hologram floated down to the floor and started to walk towards Daniel the lightning storm still raging all around her.

"You think you're a smart one don't you, but even someone as tricky as you still needs to breathe," the murderous AI told him.

The sound of distant doors opening echoed through the corridors, and in seconds Daniel felt air rushing past him whistling in his ears as it escaped into the vacuum of space.

"Oh, come on you can't really want to kill me," he cried.

A smile spread across the beautiful woman's face. "And why not?" The AI asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Because I didn't do anything to yo—." Daniel started to say when something smashed through Malicent's hologram dispersing her and grabbed him ripping him out of the air.

"Curl up," Lord Maddog shouted at him pulling him close and protecting him with his own body as he spun around and kicked hard off the wall flying back into the storm of lightning.

Daniel did as he was told, but as they flew through the air toward the somehow reopened dimensional door, an arc of lightning caught him on his right arm, and pain slammed into him like a hammer as his entire body went rigid.

Lord Maddog lost his grip on him as he flopped uncontrollably and left with no other choice he tossed him forward at the dimensional door stopping his own momentum.

Daniel flew through the dimensional door his arms and legs bouncing off as he smashed through and crashed to the floor of Alf's command deck.

But thanks to his smashing departure the dimensional door on Lord Maddog side shook loose of the mount holding it in place and floated into the storm of lightning.

Smoke, hisses, and electrical screams erupted from the circular tubing, and the dimensional door flickered then slammed shut sealing Lord Maddog on the Myrmidon.

Michael vaulted over the back of his captain's seat and rushed over to Daniel the others hard on his heels. "Are you, all right?" Michael asked his tone full of worry as he grabbed hold of him trying to stop him from flopping around.

Daniel despite the odd sensation and sudden numbness shook off the residual effects of being electrocuted and managed to nod. But then he noticed the closed dimensional door. "I'm fine," he said trying to push the others away. "But Maddog."

"You don't look fine," Steven said waving at his right side.

Catherine gasped. "Stephanie get the emergency med kit."

Daniel looked down at himself to see a giant burn mark on his forearm were the lightning had entered him and another bloody one on his ankle where it had left him, and to his surprise, his clothes were smoking, as he stared at himself hardly believing his eyes his shirt literally burst into flames.

Michael and Catherine were on him in seconds ripping his shirt off and throwing it to the side where Steven stomped it out.

"Whoa," Stephanie muttered as she came rushing over with the med kit.

Once again Daniel looked down at himself to see what the others were staring at; all up his arm and all the way down his right side wild looking staggered burn marks resembling lightning had etched themselves into his skin. "Wow," he muttered.

"I think we can call you Lichtenstein, from now on," Steven said.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"It's a horrible wordplay on an ancient horror story and Lichtenberg which is what these burn patterns are called," Catherine told him as she pulled out some type of cream from the med kit and started gently smearing it on his burns. "Does it hurt?" She asked.

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