- In Over Our Heads -

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John stared into the darkness of the large room where the noise had come from as a figure emerged from a doorway holding a young boy, of no more than three or four years of age, close to his chest with his left arm and with his right hand he was brandishing a pistol of some kind.

"That's Falcon Crane!" The officer next to John whispered in surprise.

"Who?" John asked.

"A famous Popstar," one of the other officers explained. "This is a testament to how degenerative modern music has become," he continued his tone full of disgust.

"Let the child go, throw the weapon into the water and put your hands up above your head!" Their commanding officer shouted his voice amplified several times by the speakers on his helmet.

"No!" A shaky voice shouted back. "You can't have my son! I don't care what the Armorer does to my career; I won't let you have him!"

"Did he just say, son?" Anderson asked.

"Yes, he did," their commanding officer muttered in annoyance, then raised his voice again. "Sir, if he is indeed your son no harm, will come to either one of you, but you must put away the weapon and surrender peacefully."

"No!" The man screamed. "I trusted you before, and now Lilith is gone," the man exclaimed his voice on the verge of crying. "I will not let that monster have my son again. I rather we both die then let him touch him one more time!" He said turning the pistol towards himself and the child.

Both John and the officer beside him brought their weapons to eye level ready to take the shot if need be, but their commanding officer placed his hand on John's weapon forcing him to lower it.

"Sir, you have us confused with someone else I am Cmdr. Ferguson of the anti-crime joint Galactic task force, I wish you and your child no harm," their commanding officer said calmly. "Just lower your weapon, and we can talk this out peacefully."

The man swung his weapon back towards them pulling the whimpering child closer to his chest. "Do you think I'm a fool there is no such thing! This is not the first time this police crap has been pulled on me, but it is one of the worst most unconvincing. At least try to mimic something that actually exists!" The man cried hysterically as if he was losing his mind.

At his statement, John took one good look at the frantic man and realized that there was no good way that this was going to end unless he did something he probably shouldn't do. He looked back at his commanding officer and said, "Let me try something."

His commanding officer looked at him for a few seconds then nodded.

John took off his helmet and handed his weapon to his commanding officer as he whispered, "Ready the Gravity flash."

He turned around, held out his hands showing he was now unarmed then carefully took a step into the open room his electromagnetic boots clanking on the metal floor as he did.

"Not another step!" The man shouted.

Keeping his arms spread to show that he meant no harm John shouted, "You're right, we are not the normal police. And I'm sorry for trying to deceive you; you see my name is John Feck. If you remember I was the officer the Lionhearted came out of retirement to save. Since then I have left the police force and joined them, these are my compatriots, and we are part of the newly forming Lionhearted."

"You lie!" The man shouted.

"No, I don't," John answered. "Yesterday Lord Maddog attacked white sun station using trained arch spawn. You used that confusion to take your son. I'm here because of his freed mother, the one you referred to as Lilith, asked me to get him back."

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