Oh So You Wanna Play??

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~Airi's POV~
"Airi!!" He yelled sounding kind of mad,

I just started laughing even though I should probably start running,

He got out and reached into his pocket,

That's when I looked down and saw his phone,

"You really tried it" he said as he ran towards me,

I started running away but he ended up catching up to me.

"Tray no! You're wet!" I yelled as he carried me,

"Yeah because of you" he laughed as I looked at him confused,

"Put me down"

"Fine" He said as he threw me in the pool,

"Not in here!!" I yelled as I got out quick af.

"I hate you" I said as I walked inside.

"You love me" He chuckled as he followed me,

I walked upstairs as he grabbed me and made me go in his room instead,

"Tray I need to go change in MY room" I said as I walked back since he kept walking closer to me,

I ended up falling on the bed as he still kept walking towards me,

He took off his shirt and that's when I realized what he was trying to do.

"Don't even think about it"

"What?" He said pretending to be confused as he got closer to me,

"Move I have to go change"

He stood in front of me not letting me go.

"Stay for a bit"

He started leaning in as I just stayed there frozen.

He kissed me as I kissed him back not even thinking about what I was doing,

He put his hand on my thigh and started making his way up,

"Stop" I mumbled in the between this kiss,

I then pulled away,

"Stop were not doing this" I said as I looked down,


"Because were not even together anymore" I said as I got off the bed,

"That's because you don't want to get back together"

"It's not my fault, you were the one that broke up with me" I said looking back at him,

"I didn't break up with you! I still love you"

"Right or you probably just want me for sex" I said raising my eyebrows,

"Wtf Airi you know what...think whatever you want I give up" He said as he walked to the bathroom and closed the door,

I walked out and went to my room,

What I said was probably messed up but he's said fucked up things before too,

I closed the door behind me and went to my closet,

I took off my clothes as I put on a robe,

I laid in bed thinking if I should go and apologize or if I should be glad he said he's done bothering me.

Even though I kind of don't want that,

I still love him but I'm still hurt from what he did to me,

I ended up staying in the room and put on a movie.

Tray never came out of his room because the house was silent all I could hear was my Tv,

After awhile I decided to check on him.

I walked to his room as I knocked on the door,

"What airi?"

"You good?"

He didn't answer so I opened the door,

I saw him laying in bed just looking up at the ceiling,

"I'm sorry" I said as I walked in.

"It's all good" he said even though I knew he was lying.

"I didn't mean to say it like that"

"Airi it's fine don't worry about it"

I walked towards him as I stood next to the bed looking at him,

"Ok let's make a deal" I said as he sat up,

"Ok?" He said confused.

"I'll stop being mad at you if you do the same"

He instantly smiled,

"Alright deal" he said as we did our handshake,

"Alright well I'm gonna go now" I said as I started walking out,

"Stay here"

"And do what?" I chuckled.

"Watch a movie?"

"Fine" I said as I laid down next to him.

He put on a movie and we both got under the blankets.

I was actually watching it but I could tell he wasn't.

"Tray pay attention to the movie not me" I laughed,

"Can we stop acting like we're just friends I don't like this shit" he said as he caught me off guard.

"What's wrong with being friends?"

"I can't hug you, kiss you, or fuck you"

My eyes got wide as he said the last one.

"Boy stop! Friends hug though so you can do that"

"Ughh you don't get it" he said as he sat up and looked at me,

"I get it"

"You don't,  can you just be my girl again" he whined,

I looked at him then looked away without saying anything,

Without a warning he just kissed me,

It caught me off guard so I didn't kiss back at first.

It ended up turning into a makeup session until I got on top of him,

"Im about to show you what you've been missing on" he said as he got on top.

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