Negan and Athena

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Two years had passed since Negan and Athena lost Lucille. They're still at The Sanctuary but Negan had saved numerous people from the apocalypse and they now work for him - donning the name 'The Saviours'. Most of the men that Negan had saved, Negan had 'married' their wives, so that they won't leave their jobs for Negan. Despite Negan's many marriages, he never allowed anyone to enter his room. For the past two years, Negan had been a very protective father over his daughter: he'd have her in his bed with him to ensure her safety and if he was leaving the grounds of The Sanctuary, he would leave Athena in his room (due to her paralysis and didn't want her harmed in any way), although it would break his heart leaving her there.

Negan had just entered his room and saw his little girl asleep but covered in vomit. Sometimes when she cried too much because her father is all she's got, the excessive crying would cause her to vomit. "Fuck" Negan rushed over to his bed, put Lucille next to the bedside drawers and picked up his daughter and she woke up. "Daddy?" She looked up into her father's eyes then realised she had vomited all over herself and the bed. "I'm sorry daddy." Negan just stroked her head, "it's ok baby, it isn't your fault. Let's get you cleaned up."
Negan gently took off his jacket whilst he had Athena in his arms, then made his way to the bathroom. He got the shower head, put it on the shower floor and turned it on and then took Athena's vomit-covered clothes off of her. Negan sat himself on the floor and put Athena into the shower but kept hold of her. "Daddy I'm cold." Negan showered the warm water on to Athena to warm her up and then he washed the puke off of her and out of her hair. "There we go darling, nice and clean." Negan wrapped a towel around Athena and picked her up and carried her back into the bedroom, where he placed her in her wheelchair whilst he changed the bedding.

Negan put some clean clothes onto Athena and sat on her bed cuddling her. "There we are baby, nice and dry." Athena looked up at Negan looked upset. "I'm sorry about the puke daddy." Negan kissed his little girl on her head. "Athena darling, you don't have to say sorry every time you're sick. You can't help it. Daddy will never be angry with you because of some puke. It cleans. Daddy still loves you baby." Athena's little face lit up. "Love you too daddy."

Negan cuddled his little girl for a little while longer and then put his jacket on. "It's time for us to see those people darling. I know I usually leave you here but almost everyone is coming and I'm not leaving you in The Sanctuary on your own." Negan picked up Athena and she said "daddy I wish I could fight like you." Negan looked down at his little girl and smiled "well maybe daddy can teach you." Athena looked confused. "I can't move though daddy." Negan chuckled and sat on his bed with Athena on his lap and picked up Lucille. "Ok baby, I'm going to put Lucille in your hand ok?" "Ok daddy." Negan lifted Lucille up and moved both of Athena's arms towards the bottom of the bat and she grasped it. "Now darling, you just swing it." Negan put his hands over Athena's and they swung Lucille in a swift motion. "That's my girl." Athena looked up at Negan and had a huge smile on her face. "I did it daddy! I'm a fighter like you." Negan chuckled, "baby you've always been a fighter like me. You don't have to be able to move to be a fighter." Negan kissed Athena and grabbed a small leather jacket off of her wheelchair and put it on her and picked up Lucille. "Come on baby, lets kick some butt." Negan had Lucille in one hand and had his daughter in his other arm as he carried her out of the bedroom, to go to the RV to confront the Alexandrians.

I hope you guys like my fanfic up to now! I'll be updating as much as possible!

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