Chapter 1

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December 4th 20XX

6 am. The same vexatious beeping penetrated my ears like every weekday morning. I reached over and found the correct button to shut off my alarm. With the alarm sound gone, the room filled with silence. As I layed in bed, the silence drowned out and I could hear my neighbors fighting...again. I groaned and got up, walking to my closet and grabbing some typical work clothes and quickly putting them on.

Over the course of the morning I made some eggs, scrolled through Instagram, Got my work things together, Fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and Made myself a coffee. Or as I like to call it; A cup of motivation.

On my way out the door, I could hear one of my neighbors slam a door and it made my drop my coffee I had made. "Why don't they get a divorce already...:" I mumbled and left the small apartment I called my home. Luckily the bus stop was only a few blocks away. I could see my warm breath form clouds as I walked, then disappear not even seconds after they were formed. "I hate cold weather..." I sighed and brought my hands to my mouth and over my nose, breathing into them to try to preserve heat as best I could.

When I got to my bus stop and went to sit on the bench to wait, there was a note on my usual seat. The lady I usually ignored that sits next to me looked at me, then the note. "Somebody came by and dropped it off for you" She said in an old fragile voice. I rolled my eyes a bit and sat down next to her.

She smelled like any typical grandmother; Kind of like candy or freshly baked goods and baby powder or some sort of medicine. She was only at the bus stop every Monday and thursday because of her knitting club she tells me about. I usually only half listen to her though.

I picked up the note envelope and looked around. The streets usually had a few people jogging, or waiting for the bus, or walking to work. I slowly opened the note and started to read it.

'Hello! I know you don't know me, but I see you looking glum every morning. I was hoping that maybe a little note would make you happy! My college class is doing an assignment where I write letters to a stranger every day and after almost a month of trying to choose who to write something for, I decided you would be the best candidate! I'll try to leave these letters short and sweet so there not a pain. Anyways, I suppose that's it. Thanks for reading this. -A'

I was a little confused at why anybody would ever choose me for a project like this. I crumpled up the note and shoved it in my bag, Standing up as I watched my bus come to a halt as it approached the stop. 

"Why me...of all people why me..."

A Is For AndyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin