Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: February 3rd. 20XX

I was sitting in the back seat of Connor's car. I swear he cares more about his car then himself. We pulled up to the address Nikki told us to go to. I could already tell it wasn't just 'A couple people' like he said. We got out and headed inside. There must've been almost 200 people, Loud music, The smell of alcohol infected the air. My breathing started to get heavier and I started to turn around to walk away, then Nikki caught my arm.

"Where do you think you're going? We've got to get some alcohol in you Milo!" He laughed. He was obviously very drunk.

"I'm just not comfortable around this many people..."

"Please stay..." He looked up at me. I almost felt bad for him. I'm sure he knows hardly any of these people.

"I guess a little alcohol in my system wouldn't hurt..." I walked in and he pulled me off to a table with lots of different bottles and a large bowl filled with kool aid and I'm sure a bunch of other stuff. I got a cup and filled it with kool aid.

Throughout the night, I had shots, Different mixes of things, beer, and got involved in a drinking competition and pulled into a room with Nikki. He told me he needed to show me something. I didn't question him.

"You always look so stressed..." He said softly and walked toward me

"I run a busy life" I responded and bit my lip. I could hear the music blasting through the floorboards. The party was going on right under us. "You know, I don't even know whose house this is" I chuckled "K-Kind of funny how that works. Y-You know, where you-"

He cut me off. Suddenly my lips were against his. I didn't think. I couldn't think. I just let it happen. I let him lead me to the bed, I let him take our clothes off, I let it happen...

After it was all over I gathered my clothes and put them on quickly. I was sweaty, and tired, And Everything was blurry.

I fell to the floor. My head was pounding and I couldn't stay awake any longer.

Then everything turned black...

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