Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: February 4th. 20XX

I woke up in my bed. I sat up quickly but that plan was thrown out the window when I felt my head pounding. "Fuck...My head..." I grabbed the aspirin and took a few. "Maybe some coffee would be good for me..." I mumbled and slowly made my way to the kitchen. The coffee pot had a little note on it.

'Hey, It was nice talking you at the party last night. You were totally drunk. I'm glad you let me drive you home though. Thanks! You're pretty funny! My project is over now so I don't have to write you notes anymore.

P.S: I think I'll still write the notes if that's okay. It's become a habit. -A'

"Fuck my life..." I mumbled and put my head in my hands. I tried to remember what happened. Everything was a blur. Brief flashes of Dancing, Drinking, and talking to lots and lots of people.

Whoever it was...they were in my house...They took me home and made me coffee...We talked at the party and I can't remember any of it! Damnit!

"Think! Think! You know this! You're smarter than this!" I yelled at myself and pulled my hair. Nothing was coming to me. A tall brown haired girl, A gay couple, A few hippies, some guy smoking weed, A short guy with glasses, a girl mixing drinks, A redheaded guy with a beard, Jessie, Nikki, Connor. So many people...

Why can't I remember it because I'm choosing not to? Why would I ever want to forget something so important? Agh! All these questions are making my head spin! Fuck this situation. This is the most frustrating thing ever.

I drank my coffee and sat in silence for the majority of the afternoon.

I called Jamie to see if the knew or saw who it was. She said I might have had a connection with the guy I was in a drinking contest with. I sighed and thanked her.

I called Connor and he just told me he didn't have times for my stupid questions about my stalker person, then hung up.

Lastly, I called Nikki. Before the first ring even finished, he forwarded my call. I sighed and set my phone down. "I wonder what's his deal..."

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