Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: December 22nd. 20XX

I have to admit, The notes I have been receiving every morning have really been the only things I look forward to in a day. For the past Almost two weeks, I have been getting one every week day; Each custom to that day with it's own beautifully written paragraphs and Small doodles and sketches on the side.

6 am. I woke up and waited. There was no fighting today, I called it. It's the same routine every day of every week. Every week of the month. Same thing... I made coffee so that I didn't have to put up with that red headed baristas flirting today. I got dressed and walked outside.

When I walked to the bus stop There was A small note and a little box. It was neatly wrapped in red and green striped metallic paper, topped with a fluffy bow. I opened the note:

'Ho ho ho! Merry christmas! Hope you have a good holiday break. I'll be heading out of town for a few days to visit family so I won't see you. But until then, I hope you like your Present; it looked like you could use these. -A'

I put the note in the back pocket of my bag, with the other notes that this mystery person left me every day. I bit my lip as I opened it and saw a pair of dark blue and purple mittens. There was a little note attached to the top of them;

'Knitted these myself! I hope you like them! I was going to make a hat too but I didn't have enough time to make it. -A'

I picked up the mittens out of the small box and slid them on my hands. The yarn was really soft. It was a little bulky. 'Must be Alpaca fiber yarn' I thought to myself and put my hands together. They were wonderfully made, whoever made these must have had experience knitting before. I smiled a little at the thought that someone bothered to take the time to make me something like this.

The whole bus ride was filled with intense thinking. 'This person could be anywhere. They could be on this bus with me. Literally anywhere. They must live close for them to be able to leave a note every day and not go out of there way to deliver it. But who could it be...

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