Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: February 5th. 20XX.

I got up. Again.

My hair was a mess. I didn't care.

I didn't eat. I just got dressed and left.

I waited at the bus stop. There was a note there. I almost didn't bother reading it.

'Hey! I was thinking maybe we could get coffee soon? There's this coffee shop close by and I'd love to chat with you when you're not...Well, while you're acting sensible per say. Anyways, would tomorrow at 8pm work for you? Well, I'll be there. Maybe I'll see you. -A'

I smiled and sat up. Now things were starting to turn out. I ran a quick hand through my hair to fix it up and got on the bus when it arrived.

When I got home I called my friends over. Jamie and Connor came. We sat down at the table and I dealt the cards. "Have any Idea where Nikki is? I sent him a message but he never answered."

"Um, a-about Nikki..." Jamie mumbled

"He doesn't really want to see you after-" Connor was interrupted today

"After-U-Uh... After work today! Yeah, He had a long day..." Jamie continued "A-And he just wanted to sleep. Yeah"

"Oh, Alright..." Something wasn't right... I shake the thought from my head and focus on what's been in my head the whole day so far. "Tomorrow, I am meeting the person who has been leaving me all the notes."

"Yay, that's great!" Jamie clapped softly

Connor just rolled his eyes and scoffed "Why do you even care this much? I've never seen you so interested and invested in something since-" he cut himself off. His usual sarcastic cold expression turned to one of regret.

"Get out of my house..." I mumbled.

"Milo I-I didn't mean-"

"Get out!"

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