Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: January 9th. 20XX

This is it. I'm going to find out who this kid is. I had all the notes they had written me in a pile on my desk. "Right. Let's see what we know. I'm a criminal investigator, well, kind of. That's not the point." I ripped all my papers off my cork board quickly and started pinning up the letters. "11:15" I looked at the clock "I think I can afford to stay up a few hours later than usual. I smiled and pinned up all the letters on the board. "Alright. Lists are my favorite so let's go with one of those." I sat down and started scribbling my list:

-College student, Artist, beautiful writer (Might be in a writing class), can knit, Has family out of town, goes to a local college, walks by my bus stop every morning.

I smiled at my list, my tongue poking out of my mouth a little. "I think, This morning I'll try to catch him in the act" I said as I read through the letters again. By the time I finished highlighting things I found important, it was already 3 in the morning.

I spent an hour sitting around and pacing. Just thinking of what I could do to figure it out. At 4am I got ready for work and headed out to the bus stop very early. When I got there I sat down on the bench and waited contently. I started to get tired, and drift off to sleep.

When I woke up there was a note in my lap. And the bus was here "Goddamn It!" i yelled and got on the bus. Attempt #1 failed...

January 10th:

I went to talk to the barista last night after work was over. I asked her to take a picture of the person who's been leaving me the notes, since the coffee place was right in front of the bus stop she gladly agreed; but she asked for a date in return. I went to work that day, satisfied that I would soon know who this mystery person was...

"What do you mean you didn't get the picture?" I said as the waitress brought us our food.

"I'm sorry, love, It was really busy this morning, and I was the only other person working, I couldn't take a break to get a good picture." She responded then thanked the waitress.

"Please tell me you at least took a look at the person?" I asked hopefully

"I did" She seemed almost proud of her tiny ask that she completed

"That's great" I sighed and started to eat.

"They were short, About 5'5 or 6" She took a bite of her burger and then a few fries "They were wearing a hood so I couldn't see the face, the hood had some sort of logo on the back. A-Uh, an umbrella I think. With raindrops underneath." She nodded "I didn't get much more..."

"That's fine, That's all I needed!" I happily are my food. Attempt #2 might just be a success...

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