Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: December 25th. 20XX

Where am I? I'm on the street. The street I walk down every morning to get to the bus...I walked along the street, everything was empty, but still lit up. Lights were strung on trees for christmas...Christmas. Today is christmas. I saw the bench in the distance. I saw it. I saw someone setting something down on my seat. It's the mittens they gave me. "Hey! Wait!" I called out but I couldn't hear my own voice. It was like playing an instrument without any music, Frustrating and Confusing.

As soon as they heard me shout they started running the opposite direction. I started running "Just let me see your face!" I shouted and the person ran faster. I wasn't gaining any ground on him. In fact, I was getting further away from them. "Please!'' As soon as I said that the person stopped. I had a shred of hope in me that I would be able to find out who it was. Buy before I knew it they started disappearing.

Little butterflies started to fragment off their skin. Little white glowing butterflies. By the time they turned around all I could see was one Bright piercing blue eye looking right at me. "Dammit!" I yelled as it disappeared as well.

Suddenly the town felt darker. The same lights were lit and there still was nobody in the town. Just me...Alone... I took a breath and started to walk through the crowd of butterflies. Out of nowhere one of them landed on my shoulder. I brought my finger up to it and When I touched it My finger had started to bleed. "What the_" It flew off my shoulder and I looked at my finger. It was cut open. I looked back up, There was nothing. Just blackness. Emptiness. I started to sprint away from the butterflies but as I ran they followed. They flew past me, cutting my arms, face, and shoulders on the way. I fell to the ground and felt them swarming. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I cried "Please...Somebody help me...." My vision blurred and I shut my eyes slowly. "Somebody..."

I opened my eyes and gasped for air. Tears were running down my cheeks as I breathed heavily. "Shit...It was just a dream...Holy shit..." I fell back in my bed again and steadied my breathing. I was in my room. In my bed. Safe. but what is It I'm trying to be safe from...

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