Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: February 6th. 20XX

I was up at four in the morning already prepared for work and this little meating I had planned. I grabbed my wallet and Phone once the clock hit 5, then left the house.

I stopped to get coffee, Tipped a man playing his guitar on the corner, and sat down in my usual spot. To my surprise, there was no note. I wasn't that suspicious though since we're meeting tonight anyways.

Down the road there were sirens. Probably just another street fight. I'm sick of street fights. Why can't people just get along?


Later that night I took the bus back home and walked toward the coffee shop. There was only a few people in the room, Since I was early I didn't expect whoever it was to be there quite yet.

I ordered myself my usual coffee and went and sat down. I glanced at the clock; It read 7:15.

Seconds turned to minutes...Minutes turned to hours...pretty soon it was 10 O'clock and I was the only person there.

The barista was cleaning everything up and dusting everything off. I looked around one last time and yet again, nobody was there. I stood up and threw my empty coffee cup away. I sadly walked out and back to my apartment. No fighting, No Noises, Just silence. It was the kind of silence that made everything uncomfortable. It was the kind of silence that made me uncomfortable...

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