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Y/n paces Peter's room, worried out of her mind. Suddenly her phones goes off and she jumps for it. Unlocking it she sees a location pin her father sent to her. She quickly opens the window and flies there. Upon arriving she sees Peter sitting on top of a playground structure, soaked to the bone.
"How did you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit?" Peter asks the Iron Man suit flying in front of him.
"I put everything in your suit. Including this heater." Peter moans at the warmth of the heater, his shivers ceasing.
"Oh my god, Peter! Are you okay?" Y/n exclaims, climbing up to where Peter is sitting, assessing him for any injuries.
"What were you thinking?" Tony asks.
"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of all the weapons. I gotta take him down." Peter states.
"Take him down now, huh? Steady Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing." Her father retorts. "Y/n knock some sense into your boyfriend."
"Peter, you keep getting into these situations. Why didn't you call for back up?" She asks.
"I'm not a little kid anymore. I can do these things. Anyways, Mr. Stark, you didn't need to come all the way out here. I had it. I was fine."
"Oh, I'm not here." The mask of the suit pops open to show it's a bot. "Thank god this place has WiFi or you'd be toast right now. Thank Ganesh while you're at it. Cheers." Y/n and Peter look to each other confused at her Dad's words. "Look, forget the flying vulture guy, please."
"Why?" Peter questions.
"Because I said so! Sorry, I'm talking to a teenager." Tony says. "Look just stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping the little guy, like the lady that bought you the churro. Can't you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?"
"But I'm ready for more now." Peter retorts.
"Y/n..." Your father trails off, knowing you can give better examples.
"Peter, you may think you are ready, that you can handle this life, but what if people die? What if someone gets hurt and its all because of you? Trust me, Peter. It's not a feeling you can walk away from. I got into this life so suddenly. I experienced so much traumatic loss so quickly. The feeling never goes away when someone dies beacause of you." She explain. "I don't want you to go through that."
"But I'm stronger than that. I can handle it."
"No, you can't," Tony speaks up.
"That's not what you thought when I took on Captain America."
"Trust me, kid. If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would've. Don't forget, y/n technically saved you on that one. Listen to me. If you come across these weapons again, call Happy. Y/n, you too. Don't think I didn't see the news." Y/n looks down, knowing she was out of line. A car revs in the background.
"Are you driving?" Peter asks.
"You know, kid, its never too early to start thinking about college. I got some pull at MIT. Take some pointers from y/n. End call."
"I don't need to go to coll... Mr. Stark..." Peter stutters but FRIDAY interrupts.
"Mr. Stark is no longer connected." And then the suit flies away.
"That's awesome." Peter mumbles, sarcastically.
"Peter..." You try to talk to him but Peter just jumps down, places his mask back on his head, and begins the trek to the apartment. You quickly follow.
"Stay close to the ground..." Peter talks to himself as y/n attempts to catch up. "What's he talking about?"
"Peter will you answer me."
"About what y/n?" Peter turns around to face her. "You expect me to turn around and say that you're right? That I should just stop trying? Cause I'm not."
"I expected more from you, Peter! We're just trying to keep you from turning out like us!" Y/n exclaims.
"Like you? You and your dad are heroes! Heroes who have saved the world more than once! Heroes who are known and loved by all! Heroes who..." Peter goes to continue but y/n cuts him off.
"Suffer from PTSD and panic attacks." Y/n blankly state.
"What?" Peter looks at you confused.
"Remember how I told you my mom died when I was little?"
"And I told you I don't remember it?'
"What's your point y/n?!" Peter shouts at her.
"I lied."
"What?" Peter looks athis girlfriend, lost for words.
"I remember when my mom died. It was 3 weeks before my first day of kindergarten. We were at the house watching TV when the door was kicked down. My mom grabbed her gun from the end table and stood to wait for whoever broke in with me behind her. I was terrified. The man walked in and went straight for me but my mom got in his way. He was a HYDRA agent. HYDRA had been kidnapping children who had relations to SHEILD."
"But you didn't have any until later."
"My mom was a SHIELD agent. The man said if she didn't give me up he'd kill her. And that's what he did. He put three bullets through her abdomen..." y/n sniffs softly, her voice breaking more as she speaks. "And one through her head. All while I was watching. And then the man came after me. That's when Fury showed up and the agent ran. I have been terrified of that man showing up again to take me. So terrified that I practically see him on every corner."
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I din..." Peter tries to comfort her but she takes a step back.
"Didn't know? Exactly. Cause I didn't want you to know. I didn't want you to know about the panic attacks but you figured that out on your own didn't you."
"Y/n... There's something else wrong isn't there?" Peter asks confused.
"I don't know. Is there anything wrong Peter? You don't wanna trade anyone out for their best friend?" Y/n freezes, not meaning to let the information slip.
"What are you..."
"I always knew you liked Liz better than me."
"No y/n you don't get it!"
"You know... I actually wanted to work things out with you but after this... I don't know if I can..." She looks at him sadly.
"Y/n please," Peter begs of her.
"I'll see you at school Pete." She turns around and flies off to the Avengers Compound, landing on the balcony outside her room.
Neither y/n nor Peter slept that night. Y/n was up wondering if she could save her relationship and Peter... well... he was busy with alien tech.

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