Chapter 1

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Hoseok's POV

I groaned angrily throwing the newspaper onto the glass coffee table. Why are there no jobs? I questioned. How do I not have a job? I sighed, glaring out of my window.

"I know what you're thinking Hoseok, but you're just too lazy to get a job, you and I both know that." Her voice was coming from somewhere in the apartment, but she woke up late this morning so she keeps rushing around trying to find things. I can't even remember what stress of being late to work is like anymore. How is it that I'm 24 yet I'm unemployed. I sighed crossing my arms.

"If you're going to sit there all day acting like a child who's sulking, then at least be of use and clean the apartment?" Eunjae's eyes glared into my direction, I nodded ignoring eye contact with her.

"Hoseok.." she walked over to me calmly sitting down by my side. I unfolded my arms leaning back into the sofa.

"I'll clean the house alright? I nodded didn't I." She sighed placing a hand on my shoulder, patting it lightly.

"Look, how about.. I see if I can get you a job where I work? I'm not promising anything." I stared at her my eyes already lighting up. I think I'm the only human who actually wants to get a job. I nodded smiling, she rolled her eyes while responding with a small chuckle. "Well then, I'll see you later" she abruptly stood up and was already out the door before I could say anything, my hand was stretched into the air, not that there was anyone in sight to be waving at.

Eunjae's POV

I rushed out of my apartment block to my car while also trying to rub my arms to keep myself warm. Why is it so cold today? I stared up at the sky, it's still sunny but so cold.

"Hey Eunjae! Late again?" I looked to my side to see a laughing Jungkook who was busy throwing trash bags into a bin, I smiled waving before entering my car. I started the engine and then drove off, I glanced into my mirror to see Jungkook waving aswell. I love how we're all still friends with each other.. even though it's been 5 years. Well, some of us are all friends still.

I entered from feeling like being in snow to a desert, the heating bills for this place must be skyrocketing by now.

"Eunjae, Mr- ooh! I've got a call! Just go to the top floor! Bye!" I stared at the receptionist, Mina. She always busy calling somebody, or somebody's always busy calling her, I would say she is a reasonably nice person to be around, she's bubbly, always happy except for some times of the month. I ran into the elevator, if I have to go to the top floor then I know exactly who I have to see and I know it can't be a good thing. The elevator stopped to open again, letting my other friend walk in.

"Morning Eunjae" he smiled but kept his eyes focussed on the steel elevator doors. I stared at him a little confused to why he's avoiding eye contact, I do this every morning because it happens every morning. Why does he only do this with me?

"Morning to you too Daehyun." I smiled slightly. His stop then came where he walked out. Daehyun is a really kind friend too, he always says 'morning' to me, and I know he cares about me like most of my friends.

"Which floor are you going to?" He turned back and stared at me, because I would usually get off on his floor, we do the same type of job.

"Top floor.." I nodded and laughed hesitantly while his eyes widened in return. He waved a good luck to me before the doors blocked us both from each other. The elevator dinged in time with the doors opening once again, my stop. Great, what's he going to lecture me about this time. I saw all eyes on me as I strolled nervously up to his office, the office I never wanted to go in but have been in many times. Why does it scare me each time I go up here? I exhaled heavily before hesitantly knocking on the door, almost immediately a reply.

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