Chapter 4

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Just a warning, this chapter has a kind of heated scene towards the end.

Eunjae's POV

"Hey Eun, mind taking Jimin to yours? I don't trust him to go into a cab, and we're all wasted, you live the closest." Soeyun stumbles over to me with a extremely drunk Jimin. He is my boss, I can't let him possibly get hurt.

"I mean... with Hoseok and all... I'd love to-"

"Well then! Sorted, thanks! You're a gem!" Suddenly I was now the one helplessly holding Jimin who reaked of alcohol so I covered my mouth and nose with a hand, leaning away from him.

"Hey Hobi, he's staying with us." I looked over to Hoseok who's smile suddenly turned into an expressionless face leading to a small nod in understandment.

"May I ask why?"

"He's out of it, too drunk to know what he's doing." He nodded once again and then walked over to me slowly staring at Jimin.

"Do you need help carrying him?" I nodded plead-fully before he kindly wrapped one of Jimin's arm around his neck, both of us walking back to our place.

Hoseok's POV

As soon as we got back, after the struggle of trying to figure out how to open the door without dropping Jimin. Sure he was completely out of it now but no doubt he'd remember everything tomorrow, he always has and always will. We went from trying to open it with one hand which didn't work, our apartment door is never easy to open on a normal occasion. Dropping him on the floor wouldn't be a good idea either.

"Alright Hobi, you just have to carry him yourself"

"I can't hold his weight!"

"Oh come on, he's smaller than you. Grow up" she giggled randomly letting go of him before I had chance to prepare to hold him causing me to stumble back a little, the smell of alcohol getting stronger.

"He smells disgusting.."

"Shh he can hear you.." I nodded slightly, patiently holding onto Jimin. It feels weird to be holding him like this, it feels weird to be holding him at all.

"Alright we're in!" Eunjae once again rushed over to help carry Jimin inside where we slowly waddled into my room- wait? Hang on a second

"Why are we going here? He's not staying in my room!" Eunjae laughed after laying him on the bed leaving me to stare at him confused.

"He is, you can stay on the couch, or stay with him if you really want to." She giggled politely taking off Jimin's shoes and putting him in a comfortable position.

"No thank's, the couch is fine." I huffed angrily attempting to snatch my duvet from underneath Jimin resulting in Eunjae slapping my hands away and throwing a blanket into my hands. "Are you serious? He gets my bed and duvet.."

"Like I said, you don't have to stay on the couch." I nodded grinning angrily walking over to the couch, taking off my shoes and my suit jacket to then lie down on the couch staring aimlessly at the ceiling.

"Move up then! I wanna watch some tv!" I suddenly felt my legs get squished by someone, that someone being Eunjae who stared at me with the most annoyed expression anybody could ever have.

"No, go to sleep. I'm tired." She laughed standing up and walking off into her room, mumbling indescribable things under her breath.

"Well maybe if you let Jimin stay in your room and me in my room you could watch tv all night, genius." The door to her room suddenly slammed which wasn't the best thing she's ever done, especially considering Jimin is asleep.

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