Chapter 6

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Hoseok's POV

We made our way to a peaceful park at first, the trees were starting to die. Their green leaves that are now brown slowly falling onto the ground without a choice really.

"So, anything you want to talk about Hoseok?" Yoongi took me out of my daydreaming, smiling at me happily, holding a beer bottle in his hand which was soon in my hand. "Not really" "hows work? Working with Jimin must be annoying" I completely forgot about what happened with Jimin, oh crap should I tell Yoongi about it? "Hoseok?" He startled me once again causing me to shuffle in my seat fidgeting around. "Uh.. yeah" 
"Are you sure nothing happened?" "Um.." what will he do if I tell him? "Don't.. um.. don't get angry ... um.." he started to look concerned which wasn't a surprise, I knew he would. "We.. well..." "you...?" "We kissed, Yoongi, which is why we're together.."  he almost looked heartbroken, he was definitely angry there was no doubt about it, we did talk about this earlier though.. I don't understand why he's this shcoked. His eyebrows furrowed as he quickly gulped down a whole beer bottle before I could even mumble the word "sorry".

He abruptly stood up, holding an empty and a full beer bottle in his hand. He glared down at me before "Tsk"-ing and walking away aimlessly. "Y-Yoongi... where are you going?" "Why do you care you've got an actual boyfriend I thought you were only his friend, maybe a little more.. but you kissed?-" he stopped instantly, only to slowly turn around smiling. What just happened? "Well... he isn't my-" "you can't kiss him and not date him you idiot!" He charged over to me throwing a bottle onto the ground, resulting in it smashing into tiny brown pieces of glass. "Yoongi!" He started laughing, and then he started crying. He's a mess. He's a complete and utter mess.

"Why does nobody love me. It's never me it's always the stupid guys with perfect jawlines, flawless skin that glows. The only good thing about me is that I'm pale other than that I'm ugly" I can't believe what he's saying, he is not ugly. "Min Yoongi! What is wrong with you?! You're perfect the way you are! Stop whining like a little baby, being insecure it's.. it's not right, you have nothing to be insecure about Yoongi." At this point we were both sat on the grass, I leant again a tree while Yoongi leaned on my shoulder. I love him I do, he's my unrelated brother, I have to look after him even if he is older than me. "How can you say that when you'd rather go back to he who hurt you for so long, he who left your side when you needed him. I was there to cheer you up, I was the one by your side when he left you. Now I feel like I've been used all this time." I didn't know what to say, Yoongi had so much bottled up and I never even once asked how he was, I saw him upset but never cared about it..

"I know what I was to you now. I was a replacement for a short period of time. You used me all of those months when he left you, and then even we drifted apart as soon as you moved here. You completely forgot about me. You had someone else to fill his shoes while I weren't there, you probably felt empty without someone by your side spoonfeeding you all of the time, being by your side when you won't be by mine. It hurts Hoseok, it really does. That long period we spent together was my happiest time. It's so upsetting to realise how irrelevant I was to you. You don't care about me, you never cared about me.." he started crying once again, this Yoongi isn't the Yoongi I know. He's so soft... so fragile..

Yoongi's POV

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. I never realised how much of a jerk I was. I never realised how much I used you.. you did so much for me, and I did so little for you. I truly am sorry. Is it too late to ask to be your friend again? I don't deserve it for what I did, I've messed up a lot. I'll even leave Jimin again if you want, anything to repay what I did to you... I hate seeing you so sad.." a small grin crawled onto my face. I can't believe he actually believed all of that bull crap. He never made me feel like that... he's so stupid... extremely stupid. But he'll give up Jimin for me and that's all that matters. Once he loves me he'll forget all about Jimin and won't even care what happens to him... I have the sun right where I want him and I'm not afraid to burn who I need to burn.

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