Chapter 9

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Jimin's POV

"Jimin, open your eyes! Come on? Please.." a broken voice let out a silent cry that only I could hear, I was scared, am I back there again? Am I with my parents? Where am I?

"Jimin... it's okay, calm down.." my eyes opened up to a bright light beaming down at me, and also a real light above my head, the beaming light was there speaking in a sad voice, a very sad voice.

"..Jimin..? Jimin oh my gosh you're awake.. you're finally awake.." the beaming light gracefully held my hands in his, his own hands were keeping mine warm.

He really is the sunshine

My eyes fully awoke, along with my body, the pain rising too. But the sun was surely helping me feel at ease, I stared at the beaming light that so desperately wanted to wake me up, the beaming light was smiling, but also crying, even the tears on his face that were swiftly flowing, looked like miraculous waterfalls in themselves.

"I thought you were gone Jimin... I thought I'd never see you again.." his voice was cracking every word he spoke, he was the inside version of broken when I was the physical version.

"Hoseok..?" The beaming light smiled, nodding eagerly and repeatedly, he smiled and smiled and smiled, he wouldn't stop smiling, just like he wouldn't stop crying. "Yes Jimin.." the soft and relieved whisper escaped his mouth while he carefully let go of my hand and put it to the side of my face, caressing my cheek. He was so gentle, kind and warm, I missed this feeling, I missed his affection..

I missed him.

"I'm sorry..." his once happy face turned into a sad face, his head slightly tilted and his eyebrows awkwardly raised. "For what?" He kept tamely stroking my cheek with his thumb, a slow smile bloomed onto my face at his continuing gestures. "I ruined your favourite green jacket.." his face only expressed confusion for a few seconds before it was full blown happiness and laughter, now I was the confused one, very confused, why is he laughing? I ruined his beloved, memory-full jacket.

"Oh Jimin.. you look so sincere about this..." -he grinned with his lovable heart smile, playfully squishing my cheeks, that's not allowed, he can't do that... no..

"I am sincere that's why... I'm very sorry Hoseok... it.. was the first thing within reach... I'm sorry..." he looked shocked, he grabbed both of my hands shaking his head quickly before putting both of his hands on my cheeks again. "Jimin, don't you dare apologise when it's your life in danger ever again okay? I don't care, it's about time I got a new jacket anyway... so thank you for being alive, okay?" He grinned widely, I could see him clearly
Now, he's not just a little blur, he's Hoseok once again, he once again stared at me, his gaze not moving an inch away from me, he looked sorrowful but also extremely overjoyed, his smile was warm and full of undying relief, the small smile on my face grew into a happy smile, a happy smile with dismal tears, we were as sad as each other but as happy as each other, sharing each other's emotions, feeling each other's emotions yet again.

"Jimin..I-" while the almost silent, and heavy-hearted whisper tempted to escape his mouth, it was captured and taken by the sudden interruption of the wooden door cruelly slamming open, revealing a distressed Yoongi. My eyes pandered in Hoseok's direction, pleading to know what he was going to say, but Yoongi took that opportunity away from me by replacing my vision with the sight of the ever so slowly chipping paint on the brick wall, my happiness was stolen away from me just like that.

"Hoseok, you had me worried, you didn't tell me where you went?" His raspy voice was ear-piercing, I hated it, I hated it so much, him and his stuck up self, I hate him.

"Eunjae called me, I had to come and see him.." Hoseok's voice sounded scared and worrisome, which only saddened me, why was he scared?

"Oh right, Hoseok can you please wait outside? I need to pass a message on to him." Yoongi's look was stern and full of dominance, Hoseok scarcely nodded, staring back at me, his expression was still fearful, but he did slowly walk outside eventually, after the door calmly shut, Yoongi charged over to my side, snatching my arm.

"Do you still love me?" -JihopeWhere stories live. Discover now