Chapter 6 Who am I

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That's the first reaction I have. I can't believe this is real. I wished to become someone else but I didn't expect this to happen. God dang it , its a figure of speech. Even if i wished this, I didn't want to be a teenage boy.

Ok, let's stop panicking. I need to figure out who am I now. I used his thumbprint to unlock his phone and looked through his calendar and social media.

His name is grant. He is an baseball player and he is very popular. He is currently dating jamie and there is an spring dance this friday. Looking at his schedule, I already feel intimidated. I never played baseball, nor I ever been to a dance with a girl this is scary.

But I wanted a new life, and this is definnally different from my normal life. I made my bed and now I have to lay in it.

I sighed and went back to class.

The  New MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz