Chapter 11 When the devil doesn't wear Prada

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Did this just happened? Why did I just allow debbie to join me after school? I don't want her to ruin this for me. Being grant is the best thing for me. And I don't want this to end.

The school day was as boring as ever. I never thought high school would be so boring. 2:30 hits, and it's time to meet debbie at the tux place. Please spare me.

I walked to the tux place and enter it. The first thing that I see is debbie and jamie talking. Why is jamie here. And more importantly, why is debbie talking to jamie?

'Thats funny, grant why didn't you tell me your aunt debbie was here.' jamie said

' I wasn't expecting her. She surprised me this morning.' I said

'I wanted to see my favorite nephew.' debbie replied.

'Great. I said

The lady at the register handed me the tux and I went the dressing room to change. I can hear debbie and jamie talking about tv shows and where to eat in town. Is debbie trolling me? I am very confused by debbie's motives. She is planning something.

'You look handsome.' debbie said

'Wow, that tux matches my dress perfectly.' jamie said

'Yeah.' I replied.

'Anyway, I gotta go. Can't wait for tomorrow.' jamie said

Jamie left and it's just me and debbie.

'Are you here just to troll me.' I said

'Maybe.' she said

'You are the devil.'

'Look im leaving tonight. I'm glad to see you doing well. Goodbye.'


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