Author's note (very important)

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Hey, Hows everybody doing? Its been a very long time since I have been on wattpad. But I wanted to come back to say a few things:

1. I have completely rewriten this short story and its currently on amazon for anybody who wants to read it. I leave the link at the end of this note.

2. The magic rings is done. This story has lost all steam for me. One day, I might get back to it. But that day isnt coming anytime soon.

3. I havent been on wattpad on while. But thats gonna change. In fact, you might see a new story or atleast the start of it very soon. I will still be writing stories for amazon as well. Multitasking to the second power. 

Wattpad has been an very big start into my writing. No matter how sucessful I am, that will not change. Im so greatful for everybody who has read my stories in the past. Im ready to make my wattpad return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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