Chapter 15 The letter 'Elle'

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Last night, I got back to the house around two. She went home and I fell asleep on the living room couch. Today I woke up and I was still grant. I honestly don't know how I feel about this. Last night was so perfect with jamie and im slowly starting to fall in love with her. But at the same time, the events over the last few days with debbie and mason is still running through my mind.

I pull out the letter that mason gave me last night. I reread the letter and began to cry. The ink on the paper was smudged and my male hands was covered in black ink.

Is this the right decision? Am I being so selfish by taking over his life. I'm leaving my past in the rear mirror but is this too far. Throwing away everything and everyone just so I can have a fresh start.

I wonder what my son would think of this. Would he ashamed of me for taking over grants life or would he be laughing at me for the situation im currently in. trying to move on from his death was by far the hardest thing I have been through. I can't tell whether forgetting everything is what he would wanted. This is an hard decision.

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