Chapter 13 Not 'the notebook'

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I'm stunned,shocked, and puzzled. I'm even more confused. Why is he even here? He is the last person I want to see here. Ok, let's roll the dice.

'Hello.' my husband said

'Uh hi.' I said

'Is grant here?'

'Yes, um who are you.'

'Im jenny's husband.'

'Who is jenny?'

'Look, if you see jenny can you give her this letter.'

'Um sure.'

He left and im left with his letter sitting in my hand. There is 10 minutes before jamie arrives, so I decided to read his letter.

Dear Jenny,

These last days have been rough on me. I can't even imagine what you going though. I have no idea where you are or what are you doing. I'm sorry that I broke your heart, i'm sorry I lied to you, and i'm sorry I cheated on you. I can't ask for forgiveness, because I don't deserve forgiveness. But I hope that we can still be friends. Hopefully me cheating on you is not how this story ends. Debbie told me about this kid named grant who I can use to reach. hopefully , he gave you this letter.

I still love you,


I quickly shoved the letter into my pants pocket. I don't even have enough time to think about this. Jamie is coming over very soon. It looks like im right about one thing though, tonight will be an unforgettable night.

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