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This isn't him
With the dandruff beanie
Secret man bun
And irresponsive lips

Him who I refuse to like anymore than I absolutely have to

This is different
He's a friend

Who's just like me
But for him

Being gay

Is the best thing in the world

It's a gift from god

He parades it
Like he's never been hated before

But it's refreshing
He has this overzealous confidence

With little academic interest

But an overload of of sexual humor to make up for it

But when he's honest

When you see a glimspe of vulnerability

It's sweet

And makes up for less redeeming moments.

But I can't blame that on him

He's alot like me

We share anxieties

But like sexuality

His is more apparent

And all this

Reminds me

Of what people told me

That for me, it would be so much harder

I think that maybe he might have heard something similar

Most gay people do

But for him


Overconfident him

It doesn't matter

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