The real people

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It's done but I didn't say it was good
And that's the big difference here now isn't it

Do real people
Feel like shit
This much?
For such a large percent of their time?
As much as I do?

Do real people bask in it
Do they enjoy it
Because it's just that age

Your pain can be paraded
Anxiety is edgy
Depression cool
Pain is pretty fucking normalised
Trauma quite often faked

Or is it more like

We trivialise on all these things

Somewhere in making strides to normalising mental illness and talking about our issues

It went that bit sour

And Instagram made it a competition for validation

Gave people that place to cry for help
Wolves cries and sheep's anguish so alike
Indistinguishable honestly

Do real people see it the way I do?
Do the normals ponder on it too?

Or maybe I want to be special

Making as if I am the
And they (the people(the real people))
The collective them

When in reality I'm obscuring a random thought
Expanding it for nothing

Filling it with air

So that I am just writing

For that thing I said people seek

But it's really the thing people love
Hunt for
Dream about
Yearn most eagerly for

Of others
Of ones self

From others and the self and

Who you look up to
Who you idolise
Who you love
Care about
Want around

We crave that validation
We crave to have a need
We crave to feel needed

We crave just like

Real people do

I guess

Real people wouldn't monopolise on it in such a written form as I do though
But the

Reals (with a trademark sign if you don't hardly mind(which you shouldn't))

Are a big bunch of general un-generalise-able people and yes that is a real phrase in the English language

Anyway they are
The worst focus group
No particular demographic or type

Just people

With the same kind of truths

The real people

Real real people if you will

Because I do

Even if I don't



Like all the real, real really really

R e a l people do

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