Chapter 1: Nurses Orders (Daily Life)(Pt 1)

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After Monokuma made his announcement and left, we all stood there dumbfounded. Soon someone broke the silence after looking at her E-handbook.

Lisa: Showing details my ass! These things only show your hight, weight, age, and chest size. And why does mine say too flat to measure!

Pix: Right now, I think we should go over the school regulations instead of worrying about our info. It's like Chuck said, We don't know what might happen if we disobey Monokuma.

And so everyone opened up their E-handbooks. When I opened mine it showed my name on the screen. Then it had three things to choose from on the home screen. Including a map of the school. I tapped School Regulations.

Rule #1: Nighttime is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off limit at night so please exercise caution.

Rule #2: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore this academy at your discretion.

Rule #3: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule #4: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes blackened will graduate, unless they are discovered.

Rule #5: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly after. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.

Rule #6: If the guilty party is exposed they alone will be executed.

Rule #7: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.

After reading the rules I slowly closed my E-handbook. I looked around and everyone else had the same worried expression as me.

Nebula: Fuck this! I'm not gonna let some bear tell me what to do!

Collin: So you'll just try and defy him to see what will happen? Do what you wish. I would love to see how Monokuma responds to it.

Nebula: What the hell did you just say!?

Strawberry: Hey, nows not the time to be fighting! Right now we need to find a way out. Let's split into groups and search the school.

Chuck opened the E-handbook and opened the map.

Chuck: Looks like there's a cafeteria near the dorm rooms. Let's all meet up there.

We all nodded and split into groups. Anna and Strawberry walked to me.

Anna: So, you wanna check the Dorms?

Aqua: Yeah. Might as well.

And together we walked back to the classroom where we first met. This time we went the opposite direction. We say an area with a sign in front of it that said "Despair Hotel". We went inside and saw the dorms ahead of us. The other areas near the dorms were a sauna, a storage room, a trash room, a laundry room, and the cafeteria. We decided to pass those areas and check out the dorm rooms first.

Strawberry: Looks like our dorm rooms have already been assigned to us. They each have their own nameplate and everything.

Strawberry walked inside her room and closed the door behind her.

Anna: How is it in there?

Nobody answered. We started to worry until we finally decided to go inside. Just to see that she was looking around her room.

Anna: Sis, why didn't you answer back? I called out but you didn't answer.

Strawberry: Really? I didn't hear anything. Hmm. Hey Aqua, you stay in here and Anna will shout to the top of her lungs.

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