Chapter 2: Written in the stars (daily life)(part 2)

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Everyone stood there staring at their Monowatch. Each of us tapped them twice and they opened up. On mine, it revealed exactly what Monokuma said. A target, a reward, and a forbidden action. It also displayed a small two-minute countdown.

Ruby: Why the countdown?

Anna: Maybe it's how long it would take to kill the target?

Lisa: Hell no. Two minutes would be too sort. My guess is this thing takes a while to make the forbidden action legit.

Kaedi: In other words, after two minutes, we need to make sure we've read our action and do what it says.

After hearing that I quickly read my Monowatch.

Target: Anna Wilson

Reward: Your very own beach

Forbidden action: Must be in the same room as a female.

So this is my forbidden action. I will admit, I've always wanted my own beach. But I would never kill for it. Besides, I doubt Monokuma would actually give me an entire beach. I looked at the time and saw that the two minutes were up.

Lisa: Tch. This fuckin' sucks.

Elijah: Why don't we just tell each other what our Monowatch says?

Kaedi: No. Somebody might have a forbidden action that prevents them from revealing what's on their Monowatch or hearing others. We can't take that risk.

Aqua: Then, what should we do?

Strawberry: Um... Fo no l...

Elijah: What?

Lisa: Looks like Berry here can't say any words in her name.

Aqua: How can you tell?

Lisa: She just took them out the sentence she was saying. I'm just gonna guess she's saying let's eat.

Strawberry nods and we ate breakfast still thinking about our new motive. When everyone was done, they began to leave the cafeteria. That's when someone grabbed my shoulders and I heard Anna's voice.

Anna: Sorry, um, whoever this is.

I turned around and saw Anna with her eyes closed.

Aqua: I'm guessing your forbidden action forbids you from opening your eyes huh?

Anna: Yeah. Kinda makes it hard to move around much.

Aqua: Yeah. Oh, how about I be your guide?

Anna: Huh? Are you sure?

Aqua: Yeah. You helped me a lot during the class trial. I might as well help you now.

Anna: Oh, Okay. I think we should head to the second floor to see if we can find any clues on how to get out of here.

So I became Anna's guide. Then on the way to the second floor, I remembered that my Monowatch said Anna was my target. Is it safe for her to be around me? Wait, what am I worrying about? There's no way I'd kill Anna for a beach. The two of us finally made it to the second floor and when we did, I saw Elijah walking up to us beaten to a pulp.

Aqua: Um, Elijah, what happened?

Elijah: Oh, I may have tried to peek into the girl's locker room.

Anna: But if you did that, you would have gotten shot by that gun right?

Elijah: I found a way around it. But I wasn't able to outrun Lisa once she caught me.

Aqua: Knowing her, she probably wouldn't take that lightly.

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