Chapter 1: Nurses Orders (Daily Life) (part 2)

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Everyone was stunned silent by Collins words. One of us isn't who we seem? 

Nebula: Hey! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Tell me or I'll cave your god damn skull in!

Pix: No need to get violent. What he's saying is that if someone knows about the survivor of the last killing game, then that same person is probably controlling Monokuma from behind the scenes. In other words, the mastermind behind this killing game may be one of us.

Aqua: But who would have the time to do that?

Elijah: My votes on the catgirl.

Lisa: One I am not a cat girl. And two, I may be a total genius with the capability of building anything imaginable, but there's no way in hell I would use it!

Kaedi: Doesn't that make you more suspicious?

Just then, the intercoms turned on.

Monokuma: Attention! It is now 10 pm! Which means it is officially bedtime! Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

After that, the Intercom turned off.

Honey Angel: It looks like it's nighttime. So what do we do now?

Strawberry: We can discuss this tomorrow. For now, let's head to our rooms.

Ruby: Another night here? Ruby doesn't like that.

And with all of us mentally exhausted, we head to our dorm rooms. When I got there, I laid in bed. I don't know what to do. How long can we prevent a murder with this feeling of suspicion hanging in the air? Can we... protect everyone? Somehow, I fell asleep with that thought in my mind.

Monokuma Theater

Monokuma: You know, I'm still wondering why people wear masks. What's the point in hiding who you are, if the big bad good guy is just going to rip it off and find out who you are eventually? Sometimes it's a nice guy turning into a mega jerk, or a calm collected man turning into a total wuss. But I don't wear a mask. Because I'm a bear after all!

Monokuma Theater (END)

Intercom: *Ding Dong Bing Bong*!

The intercom woke me up once again.

Monokuma: This is a school announcement. It is now 7 am. Rise and sine everyone. Get ready to greet another beautiful day.

Monokuma made the morning announcement and the intercoms turned off.

Aqua: That's right, we all said well meet up in the cafeteria from now on.

So I got out of bed and headed to the cafeteria. When I got there everyone was already eating.

Strawberry: Oh, good morning Aqua.

Aqua: Good morning.

I looked around and realized that someone was missing.

Aqua: Hey, where's Chuck?

Celestial: I went to go get him but he said he wasn't feeling too good. He said he'll join us tomorrow.

Nebula: How come that bastard gets to go wherever he wants?!

Lisa: Because if we let you wander around you'll fuckin' kill someone!

Nebula: I dare you to say that to my face!

Lisa: The hell do you think I'm doing!

Strawberry: Stop it you two.

Strawberry let out a deep sigh.

Strawberry: Still, I can't help but feel uneasy about this. Especially with everything that's been going on.

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