Chapter 3: The Science of Fruit and Water (Deadly Life)(Class Trial)

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Truth Bullets:

Monokuma files: The victim's name is Strawberry Wilson. The victim was found in the rec room. The victim had three stab wounds. One through her abdomen region, one in her shoulder, and one that pierced her heart. She showed small signs of blood loss in the left arm. She also showed had a crushed windpipe.

Mysterious individual: Anna saw a mysterious individual wearing a mask and a hospital gown. It is assumed this person's name is Elise Okina.

Strawberry's wounds: There are three wounds on Strawberry. A stab to the right side of her shoulder, a slash to her stomach, and a stab to the heart. Joseph claims the stab to the right seems odd.

Pix's account: According to Pix, Kaedi has been taking blood from Strawberry and Collin to help find a cure for the disease. They figured out Anna and Strawberry were immune to it, those with the disease have darker blood, and at a certain amount of time, the disease becomes incurable.

Purple Marks: A purple bruise was found on Ruby's wrist and another one on Strawberry's neck.

State of the ill: According to Pix, Ruby remained asleep while she was sick. In the meantime, Aqua and Collin regained and lost consciousness every once in a while.

Washed stain: There was a trail of some sorts that lead from the into the art room. Apparently, the culprit tried to wash it off.

Wake up time: Collin claims to not know what time he woke up but claims that when he woke up, Ruby was gone and Strawberry was asleep and alive. Pix claims that he woke up at 6:00 and both Ruby and Strawberry were gone. Anna woke up at 6:30

The art room: The art room was a complete mess with blood and three ropes pinned to the wall.

Empty cure bottle(1): In the nurse's office, a bottle was found with the word "cure" tapped on it. Monokuma says it's not his cure.

Damaged rope: A rope was found on the floor of the art room. It seemed to be torn in the middle a bit.

Empty cure bottle(2): In the art room, another bottle was found in the art room. On the bottle, there was a warning: May cause minor headache.

Color of blood: It has been confirmed that in the art room and around Strawberry's body there was a mixture of dark and light colored blood.

Immunity to the despair disease: According to Kaedi's research, Strawberry and Anna are immune to the disease thanks to their pony heritage.

Class Trial Begins

*We're finally beginning the third class trial. Another friend killed our friend. And this time, Aqua's not going to be here to help us. I looked beside me to see Aqua's seat empty.*

Monokuma: Puhuhuhu. Since it's been a while, let me start things off with a brief explanation of the class trial. If you figure out whodunnit, then only they will receive punishment. But if they choose the wrong one... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and the one who deceived everyone else will graduate.

Kaedi: It really doesn't matter. We already know who the most suspicious person is.

Celestial: Oh really? And who might that be?

Kaedi: ... I don't want to accuse her but... it's definitely Ruby.

Ruby: B-But!

Kaedi: No point in denying it now. There's obvious proof that you're the culprit.

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