Chapter 1

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"No. I'm tellin' you right now, stop calling me!" Justin yelled as he pressing his thumb hard against the touch screen of his cell phone before stuffing it into his pocket.

"Who was that?" Kyle asked.

"Bitch is playin' games on my phone now." Justin replied as he looked through his bag for a CD he had just purchased.


"What are we doing here again, Kerri?" Serena asked her friend as they walked through the parking lot.

Kerri was searching through her purse for her wallet. The last time she had seen it was back at the house when she took it out to find a business card. She prayed it was in there. She would hate to have to deal with Serena's attitude if she needed to borrow some money. "I need a new pair of headphones. Something screwy is going on with mine.”

Serena was too busy watching Kerri scrounging around in her purse to notice where she was walking until her shoulder came into contact with something hard. "Oh excuse me! I'm sorry." Serena apologized to the man walking past them in the parking lot.

"It's cool." he replied as he continued walking.

Serena continued to follow her friend towards the store when she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and quickly turned around, watching the man walk away. Her brows furrowed as she watched him intently. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she turned, sprinting to catch up with her friend. "Kerri." she tugged on her friends arm. "That guy with the hoody on looked just like Justin Timberlake."

Kerri didn't turn around to see who she was talking about. She nonchalantly nodded and said, "That’s nice."

"How can you be so nonchalant, when the future father of my children just walked by?"

Kerri grinned at her friend as she went to open the door. “You’re stupid.”

Serena stood outside and looked over towards the two men still walking and then back over at her friend, "Ummm hello? He's been my obsession for the past 8 years!"

Kerri leaned her body outside the door and told her friend to go talk to him. But Serena wouldn't budge. Kerri leaned her head further outside and did her best impression of an excited fan and screamed "Justin!" across the parking lot. Serena whipped around to scold her friend, but Kerri had already disappeared inside.

The man turned his head around and looked back towards the woman standing in front of the store. He was looking right at her, but she couldn't move. She was frozen. Her heart started racing and she couldn't even think straight. The only thing she mustered up the courage to do was wave at him nervously. She turned to retreat inside, dying of embarrassment, when suddenly the door flung open and smacked her straight in the face. The man coming outside apologized, making sure she was okay. Serena's face turned five shades of red and she was too scared to even turn around to see if Justin noticed.

Serena found her friend in the back of the store browsing through the cd collection. "You are such a bitch!" she said as she pushed Kerri.

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