Chapter 5

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Kerri stood there silently with a blank expression on her face. "I hope that was a big joke."

"No I'm serious." He said as he starred directly into her eyes. Justin noticed the look she was giving him and knew his humor was lost on her. "Look in the bag, silly."

Kerri looked down and noticed the bag he had in his hand. She opened it and looked inside and noticed a pair of red silk pajamas. She pulled them out and noticed the word ‘STRIP’ written across the entire outfit. She huffed and looked towards him with a grin on her face, "Cute. You're a real funny guy." Kerri pulled them out of the bag and held them up. "How did you know my size?"

Justin grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. "I've got a knack for things like that."

"Really?" she asked inquisitively.

"No, not really." Justin smirked. "I asked the woman downstairs for help. She looked about your size so..."

"Thank you. These are very nice." She smiled.

"You're welcome. I didn't know if you had time to pack so I was tryna think ahead."

"You were right on the money, cause all I had a chance to grab were some underwear, jeans and two t-shirts. I'll have to find a mall or something around here to get more clothes."

"We'll go out as soon as you get a chance to catch your breath." Justin said as he flopped down on the bed.

Kerri laid across the middle of her bed on her stomach and watched as Justin flipped through channel after channel trying to find something interesting to watch. He stopped on a golf game and threw the remote onto the nightstand. They talked briefly about the game and went back and forth about why Justin loved to play and why Kerri refused to go anywhere near a golf course again after being beaned in the side of the head with a ball one day. Justin couldn’t hold his laughter as she described the concussion and large bump that she subsequently had because of the incident. Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to get a hold of himself. Kerri merely watched and laughed along with him, happy that his mind didn’t seem as preoccupied as it did when she first arrived.

After watching the tournament quietly for about 10 minutes, Justin looked over to ask Kerri a question, and discovered that she was fast asleep. He sat there momentarily with his hand propping his head up as he watched her. She was only in town less than an hour and all the anxiety and stress that seemed to be consuming him, was suddenly gone. He smiled to himself before getting up and pulling his blanket off his bed and covering her with it.

About an hour later Kerri opened her eyes slowly and could see the golf tournament still playing on the television. She turned her head towards the opposite bed and could see Justin lying back against the pillows with his arm behind his head. She let her eyes drift down his body and could see that his t-shirt was slightly raised above his navel. She watched his other hand as he slightly rubbed his stomach before resting it on his chest. She caught herself starring and shook away the thoughts running through her mind. "What time is it?" she asked.

Justin was startled by the sound of her voice and jumped slightly. "It's almost 7."

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