Chapter 6

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It had been almost a month since they had been to England, but they hadn’t had a chance to hang out with one another much afterwards. They’d meet up on her way to work or his way to meetings and grab a quick cup of coffee and a muffin and would soon have to dash off in opposite directions.

Justin had gone out of town again, working non-stop to promote his album, and Kerri was finding her work to be a bit draining. She missed the days of being able to wake up late and do whatever the hell she wanted till hitting the club and getting in that booth and just letting herself escape within the music. Nine to five just wasn’t her thing and she hated being chained to a schedule.  She loved her job, but she hated having to go that office everyday…Especially when he was around. And lately he was always around. Speaking of which, there he was. Walking by her booth at the station and waving to her through the glass. Kerri silently cursed him. She’d give that rat bastard the finger if the general manager of the station wasn't walking right next to him. Stress-free environment my ass. she thought to herself as she faked the biggest smile she could and waved.

Kerri sat at the table, vigorously moving the mouse, and clicking through different programs on the screen to cue up the next song. She could see the lights on the phone blinking and looked towards Serena who was straight ahead in an even smaller booth holding up a sign that said “Song Request on 1.” Kerri adjusted her headphones, moved the mic closer to her face and pressed the button on the phone. "Hey! You’re live on the air with Kerri. Who’s this?"

“Oh my God! Is the Kerri? I’m on the air?! Girlfriend, this is Blaine! I am such a huge fan!” the voice exclaimed.

Kerri raised an eyebrow to her friend who was visibly giggling on the other side of the glass. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the guy on the other end of the line wasn't into the ladies. “Thanks Blaine! What can I play for you today?” Kerri chuckled to herself as he kept panting with excitement.

She grabbed her bottle of water and took a sip waiting for his response.  “Oh my gosh, gurl! Can you please play that new song by Justin Timberlake? That sexy thang gives me the vapor’s.”

Kerri smiled looking over towards Todd, her sound tech who was in the background trying to hold in his laughter. “Oh is that right?” she asked taking another sip of water.

“Oh yea, girl! I have two words to describe him…Scrump-Tious!"

Kerri had to put her hand over her mouth, so as not to spew water out all over the audio equipment. She nor any of the rest of the crew in the room could hold in their laughter. As the snickers died down Kerri said, “I’m sorry Blaine, but we don’t really play mainstream music on our show.”

“Why not?” he huffed.

“Because this isn’t that type of show.” she said plainly.

“Well gurl, it needs to be. He is hot right now! Why won’t you play him for me?” he whined.

Now at first his banter was cute, but now it was starting to get on Kerri's nerves. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with his complaints and knew that if it went any further, she would end up saying something that she'd regret. “See Blaine, we try to give other artists a chance to have their voices and music heard. But since you did put a smile on everyone’s face this morning, how bout I play someone covering cute ole’ Mista Timberlake?”

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