Chapter 7

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Justin and Kerri had never talked about their past relationships. That is what appealed  to him the most about her. She didn't seem interested in who he had dated. She wasn’t trying to dig for information or run back to the tabloids. She rarely asked him any personal questions and seemed genuinely interest in him. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was that simple.

"Oh," was all Kerri could come up with to say as she watched the house get further and further away. She found it odd that they lived within a few miles of one another, but assumed he had decided to buy the house when the two of them were still a couple.

When they got in the house Justin lingered in the driveway, telling Kelly and Marty that he would see them Monday for rehearsals. He then went to shower and change. There wasn’t a TV in the guest bedroom and Kerri didn’t want to sit downstairs, so she crawled up on his bed and caught up with the last few minutes of ‘Friends’. When Justin came out of the bathroom he could see her eyes were slightly open and she was drifting by the second.

"Get under the blanket, Ker." He said as he rounded the bed.

"No, I’m about to get up and go crash.” She sat up and stretched her arms above her head, running her hands along the white puffy down comforter. “This bed is so comfortable! Or maybe I’m just so tired.”

“Then crawl your stubborn ass back in it and relax. I mean it's big enough to fit 4 people, Ker." He smiled.

“And you would know this how?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Justin grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and threw it to the end. “I don’t kiss and tell.” He smirked.

They both snuggled up under the covers and watched TV briefly before discovering there was nothing on. He pushed the button on the remote and turned off the TV before pressing another button to turn on the stereo. Brian McKnight's song "Anytime" was playing. He turned on his side, resting his head against his palm and adjusted his pajama bottoms with his free one. He watched Kerri haphazardly put her hair up in a bun. "So what is going on in the dating life of Kerri Robert's these days?"

"Wow...An actual personal question." she remarked sarcastically.

Justin pinched her arm.

"Oww, fucker!” she yelled rubbing her arm. “If you must know...Not a damn thing. I'm too busy to date. Plus, with you dragging me all over the place with you, it's hard to find a guy. You’re twat blocking me, Timberlake.” She smiled.

Justin tossed his pillow at her. She threw it back to him and said, “Hopefully, I'm not cock blocking you too."

Justin lightly laughed and turned the page in the magazine he had grabbed off the nightstand. "Nah. I'm not trying to get back out there just yet."

She could sense that this conversation was becoming more serious and didn’t want to venture down that road, but for some reason her mouth betrayed her. "Same here. Not trying to get my heart broken all over again so soon."

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