Chapter 8

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Serena stood at the mirror making sure that every strand of hair was in its place. She took a deep breath and slowly walked to the front door. As she pulled it open a glazed look formed over her face.

"Hi. Serena, right? I remember you from the club." Justin watched her standing completely still, never once blinking. "You okay?"

Kerri came up behind her roommate and smacked her hard on the back, "I can't take her anywhere."

Serena turned and rolled her eyes before looking back at Justin and saying hello. He put his hand out to shake hers and was startled when she pulled him inside to hug him tightly. Kerri just chuckled to herself and walked into the living room, leaving Justin helpless with her best friend.

"Your apartment's nice." He said as he looked around on his way over to the couch.

"Well it's not as big as Mansion de Timberlake, but it serves its purpose."

Justin lightly tugged her ponytail  as he rounded the corner to sit down next to her. Kerri was flipping through stations and called out to Serena to check on the chicken she had started baking earlier. Serena called over to Justin and asked, "What are you in the mood for? My breasts--I mean a breast?"

Kerri lightly elbowed Justin who was trying not to laugh, "Yeah. A breast would be very good right about now." He smiled.

Serena turned around and shook her head in embarrassment and made him a plate. The three of them spent most of the early afternoon watching a movie and competing at Playstation, before Serena had to head out to the station to catch up on work.

Once she was gone, Justin and Kerri made their way out to the balcony. He sat atop the hard, concrete ledge while she leaned over beside him. They talked briefly before being interrupted by her neighbor, who came out to water her plants and discovered the singer, just a few feet away.

"...Nah, he gets that all the time. I don't think they look anything alike. Justin's much cuter than him...Not to mention sexier." She laughed.

Her neighbor lingered outside, pretending to check on her plants as she tried to get a better look at him.  Seeing they no longer had privacy to talk anymore, Kerri decided it was time to go back in and motioned for Justin to follow her.

"Damn, I see how it is." He scoffed.

"See how what is?" Kerri asked as she bent down in the fridge to grab them a couple of beers.

"How you gonna say that this face isn't cute or this body isn't sexy." He stood in the middle of the living room pointing to himself.

Kerri rolled her eyes at his immodesty. She didn’t want him to harp on it all afternoon and said, “Ok. Calm down, Geronimo. I was just saying you were ugly to get her to leave us alone. She has a huge mouth and I don't want all my neighbors bugging me."

He gave her a cocky grin as he inched his way towards her. "And my sex appeal?"

The Polaroid (Justin Timberlake fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz