Love or Lust ?

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Natalie POV

It was about 10 in the morning when my phone started ringing. "Hello" I said putting my phone on speaker & washing my face. "Natalie we have a have a photo shoot with August Alsina in about a 2 hours." My manager Rachelle said "Okay that's great." I met August last night at the club I mean he's cool & handsome. I put on some high waist shorts with a blue lace crop top & some gold sandals. I added my gold chain & my MK watch. When I got to photo shoot my stylist pulled me to the back. "What do you want done to your hair?" My hair stylist asked looking at me threw the mirror. "Umm what kind of photo shoot is it"? I asked sending Ari a quick text. "Your gonna be in the water" She said looking at me in the glass mirror. There was something unusual about her this particular day. her eyes were low & she was starting to look more aged like she hasn't slept in days. "Well tight curls so when it gets wet it will be pretty". After we finished my hair I put on cheetah bathing suit my designer picked out. "Natt they are ready for you" the intercom said. "Oh Marla before I go I just booked you a flight to Jamaica. I think you need a vacation". "Are you sure?" She looked so happy. "Yesss go have fun baby girl. Your flight leaves in 2 hours" I made my way outside & it was beautiful, we were on the beach. August was already outside talking to some guy when he say me he stopped talking & starting walking towards me. "You look good". "Thank you , you don't look bad yourself". We took some sexy pictures then some on the rocks. "Okay you guys you will have these pictures in about a week" the photographer said looking at the pictures. I talked to my manager about some up coming events & was walking to my car when August came out & stopped me. "Heey umm you did good back there ... I was wondering can I get your number" He asked looking at me. I can tell he's not use to asking for numbers from girls since they basically throw themselves on him. Don't get me wrong August is handsome but I'm not trying go there with him I'm more worried about the next dollar being made. ''Umm I will get back to you on that but I really have to go". I drove off leaving him just standing there. I don't want August to think I'm like any of these other girls who's just gonna come running to him because of who he is. I refuse to be labeled as a groupie. I have to much respect for myself.

August POV

I got mad respect for Natalie she's not one of those hoe's who will just jump on a nigga, I like that cause it gives me a challenge. Today I wanted to go visit Mel, "Grave yard Tony". "Yes sir". When I got there I seen the pink roses KayKay gave him a while back & the new previous white ones. I sat next to his grave & just stared in the sky. "You know when you left us it was like a part of me left. I looked up to you , well I still was always the one I ran to when I wanted to give up & just say fuck it. But you kept pushing me & now I'm living my dream." By this time tears was pouring down my face. It felt like he was sitting right next to me. "You my everything. Without you I wouldn't be the person I am today. When I couldn't take life anymore you was always there. Those nights when dad was gone you were my father figure. You kept me on the right path. I still remember the lessons you & mama taught me. I could locked up, I could have been gunned down but I made it. You were not always right but you never lead wrong. I made it & I hope I made you & mama proud." I kissed my fingers & placed them on his tombstone & made my way back to my car & I turned around & seen Natalie sitting in front of a grave with her head in her lap. She had on some sweat pants & a sports bra & her hair was in a messy bun. As I started walking closer to her & you could hear her sniffing. I just bent down & hugged her. She didn't look up or nothing she just cried harder. Just holding her made it feel as if it was just us & nobody else. We stayed that way for about a hour & she finally turned around. She didn't have on any makeup or anything she looked way better without makeup. "Are you okay ma" ? I asked her as I helped her up. "Yes Thank you" She said trying to smile. "So who's this" ? I asked pointing to the grave. "My grandmother. She was the closets thing I had to a mother figure." Tears slid down her cheeks & I wiped them. I stared in her eyes & I could tell she was hurting & this person ment alot to her. I lifted up her head & kissed her with passion. She didn't pull back she just kissed me back witch was a shock. Her kiss wasn't just a simple kiss it was something more. Something I couldn't explain...

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