Trust Issues

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Mricale pov

I needed to talk to August & fast.

(Text Convo)

- Me : Can you meet me at the park? I need to talk to you .

- August : I'm kinda busy right now can it wait ?

- Me : Yeah w.e bye .

(Text Convo Over)

I needed someone to vent to. I just want somebody to be there for me & just listen. But I gotta realize I'm all I got. I don't have any parents because they died in a car crash. My family didn't come from a lot but they did everything they could to make sure they got me everything I wanted & needed. I couldn't take the system anymore so I ran away & I ended up in Atl. I met this dude named Rico & he spoiled me & showed me things I never seen. He gave me tons of money & he said I can live the life I always wanted. That's when I started stripping for Magic. I didn't like it the idea of me showing off my body to strangers but I needed the money. I thought once I made enough money to support me in the future I would stop. Me & August met at Rihanna's party a while back. It was nothing major just fuck buddies because we both wasn't looking for love or a relationship. I don't need August financially, all I wanted was for him to be there for his unborn. I deiced to go to the park anyway.


"Here you go" A little girl said handing me a flower. "Aww Thank you" I said taking the flower & holding it up to my chest. "Your welcome" she said running away in the distance then all of a sudden she disappeared into the sky.

Ari pov

Me & Vincent decided to go the grocery store since we were running low. I put on a red Maxi skirt with a crop top & applied some make-up to cover the purple bruises. "I will be back" Vincent said going on a different isle. I was texting Natalie when I bumped into somebody causing me to drop my phone. We both bent down to pick it up. "I'm sorry Ma" He said picking up my phone. He was so cute, low cut curly hair, hazel eyes & big pink lips. "It's okay" I said still looking at him. To say he was fine was a under statement. "My names Devin by the way". "Heey bae" Vincent said coming up to us & putting his hand behind my back. They started talking & Vincent was pinching the hell out of my back I tried to so hard not to show any emotion but i could feel him pinching into my skin. I knew by the look on his face this wasn't over. I paid for the food & the car ride back home was silent...a little to silent. I knew once we go in the house all hell was gonna brake loose. Nobody knows what I go threw behind closed doors. They think me & Vincents relationship is perfect because we have been together since high school but people change. "Next time, you don't even look at another nigga. You hear me?" Vincent ordered slamming the door. "You got things all wrong I was just talking to him that's all! I don't ever know him!" I pleaded. "I said did youu hear me?!" He repeated. "You need to relax!! I would never-" whap! I felt like I was going to throw up. I rushed upstairs but he kicked me in my leg causing me to stumble back down. At that moment I no longer knew who Vincent was anymore. He turned on me. With my arms holding the back of my leg my face was unprotected. His punch landed just below my right eye, snapping my head back so hard my neck hurt. "You promised" I cried trying to up. He sent two more lightning-quick punches to my stomach & I fell to my knees. I could barely breathe. "Please just stop" I cried the words barely escaped my mouth. I heard the door bell ring & Vincent looked scared. He told me not to say nothing. Moments later he grabbed his coat & left.

August pov

I was in the studio writing down lyrics when Chole came in. "Wussup sis" I said giving her a hug. "Nothing much just stressed out". "Why?" . "Because Nina's birthday is coming up & I want to throw her something big.". "How about this, we will throw her a pool party at my house & she can invite some of her friends from school". I said grabbing my keys. "That sounds like fun I'm gonna call you". "Alright" We both left & I went in the direction towards Mircales house. "Wussup" I said sitting on the couch. "August I'm pregnant". I was shocked. I don't even know if it was mine. "Its not mine" I said simply. "We haven't had sex". "Really August ? So you don't remember 2 weeks ago when you snuck in my hotel room?" she looked pissed. I had totally forgot about that. The bad part about it was I cheated on Natalie. I know she's never gonna forgive me. She wanted to be the first person to have my child. I decided I was going to tell Natalie but not right now she's too happy & I don't wanna bring her down, she didn't have cancer, she found out she has a twin sister & me telling her "Natalie I cheated on you & got a girl pregnant" is gonna brake her.

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