Truth revealed

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- 8 months later.

*Natalie pov

Since August left, he has been blowing me up non stop. But he has been to every doctors appointment like he's suppose to. I love August I really do but I'm not going to let him run over me. I was at a red light when my phone started ringing. "Hello". "Hiii baby, I miss you". My manager screamed threw the phone. I miss her to even tho we just seen each other less than 48 hours. "I miss you more, wussup"?. "We sechelued you a photoshoot". I got sooo excited. "Okay well talk to you later".


I pulled into the driveway of August mom's house. Soon as I opened the door the sweet smell of soul food hit my nose. I swear this lady stay in the kitchen. Voices grew louder as I got closer to the kitchen. I seen a girl sitting at the kitchen table with August next to her. "Hey momma" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. She looked so shocked like she had seen a ghost. She grabbed my arm & pulled me into the living room. "Who's that girl"? I asked eating a grape. "Some girl named Miracle". Without another word I found my myself beating August. I wasn't mad at the fact that she was pregnant anymore I was mad because he disrespected me once again by bringing her into this house. "I swear you have nothing else to say to me". I grabbed my keys & left. Don't get me wrong I will ALWAYS love August but I see he has priorities together. I need my best friend.

Ari pov

I have been trying my best to avoid Vincent when ever he's drinking. I need to get away from here but I'm scared of what he's capable of doing if he catch's me gone. But I can't live my life out of fear so tonight I am leaving. I'm getting far away from here & starting over. I came up with a plan about a week ago but never went threw with it until now. When Vincent leaves for work in about 30 minutes I'm leaving. Just as I stepped out of the shower he walked out of the house slamming the door behind him. I know I needed to act fast. I put on some sweat pants & my old cheerleading jacket & started throwing all of my clothes & shoes in trash bags & empty suitcases. I can't do this anymore, for weeks I have covered the bruises on my body. I wish things could have been better, I thought i was going to be with this man forever. I heard the front door open & close, my heart dropped. "Ari" Natalie yelled threw the house. Thank You Jesus. I didn't want here to see me like this. "Ari I-" she stopped talking when she came closer to me & seen all of the purple & black bruises on my body & face. I turned my back to her in shame. "What the hell" she semi yelled making me jump. "Look at me" her voice beginning to rise. She grabbed my hand & turned me towards her. "He did this to you?". I just hung my head & nodded slowly. "For how long" she asked. "9 months" I mumbled. "& you didnt tell me!!" she screamed. "What are you doing here" I asked trying to change the subject. Just as she was about to speak I heard the rattling of Vincent's truck outside. Oh No. A million thoughts ran threw my head. "Natalie hide now! If he hurt you I would loose my mind." "Nooo were leaving!" "Pleaaaaseeeee Im begging youu" I said. She was hesitant at first but eventually ran into the closet & shut it. I could here his heavy shoes as he began to come up the stairs. "Where do you think you're going" ? I had forgot that I had packed my bags. His voice was ugly & rough, still slowed by the liquor he'd drunk the night before. But there was something else in it. Something dangerous. "Vincent" Whap. "Stop Vincent Don't do this!" I screamed. Whap. I felt like I was going to throw up as I stumbled onto the bed.

Natalie pov

I stepped in between them & shield Ari. "LEAVE HER ALONE" I yelled so loud my ears hurt. "This ain't none of your business Natalie" . he yelled. "When you hit her it is my business" I yelled back. I gabbed a bamboo stick that they usaed for decoration & hit him with all my might. He stumbled & I grabbed Ari's arm & ran down the stairs. Even though Im 8 months Im not that big so I can still run. When we got to the bottom of the stairs he pulled Ari by her hoodie & slamed her to the ground. She stumbled to her feet & pushed him back. I was about to hit him but he grabbed my fist & kicked me so hard in my stomach I thought I died. All I remember was Arianna picking up glass & throwing it at the back of his head. I couldn't breath. & for a second, timed seemed to stop.

August pov

I was sitting in my living room smoking my life away when I got a phone call. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID. "Hello" I said slightly agitated. "Hi, is this August Alsina?". "Yeah, who dis?" "This is Atlanta Medical Department & we need you to get down here now something terrible has happened to your girlfriend". Before I knew it I was at the hospital. I said a silent prayer in my head as I started running into the hospital I didn't even have time to cut my car off. Can you tell me what room Natalie Romano is in" ? I asked. "Room 678" As I got closer to her room I seen doctors coming out with a tray. "What happened? What's wrong?" I yelled looking into Natalie's room & back at the doctors. "I'm sorry to tell you but your baby boy didn't make it" As he said those words my knees got weak. "What happened to her!" I wasn't mad I was pissed. I feel like this is my fault because she was suppose to be at home with me. "She got into an altercation & was kicked in her stomach. They kicked her in the bottom left of her stomach & baby's head was right there". The last time I cried this bad was my brothers funeral. I looked into the bowl & saw my sons body. Not another death. I'm tierd of loosing the people I love. As I walked into Natalie's room she looked so pale. They had all these IVs & cords attached to her. I heard sniffing & seen Ari's head in her lap. "What happened" I asked. As she looked up her hoodie that covered her face fell. She had bruises all on her. She started telling her story & my blood began to boil. Not only has he put his hands on my girlfriend he has hit my little sister. This isn't over.

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