20. Khan

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Khan can't believe it. First of all, he was roommates with pep band-baritone-teacher's pet-dork-crybaby kid that his friends picked on. Then he punched the other boy in the jaw. The next morning at breakfast, he feels really bad about punching Strom. There is a decent-sized bruise on his face, and about twelve people have asked him about it already and it is only 7:30 in the morning.

He also feels bad about what Berg and Hulk and how horrible they were to Harold. He wants to somehow make it up to him, but he doesn't know how. On the other hand, Harold is so annoying. A part of him feels like Harold deserved what he got, but it's only a tiny part. Another itty bitty part of him wishes he were that smart and that teachers liked him but he wouldn't trade the social status he has for anything. And a big part of him is jealous of Strom. Why couldn't he have gotten to room with a girl?

Khan's first class is math. He hates math. He was in freshman math as a junior. And now he is in an easy math class. There are a lot of kids who are obviously younger than him and he feels awkward. He stares out the window. He can see a tiny part of Earth from where he is sitting. He wants to move his head to see it better, but the teacher has been watching him and he doesn't feel like getting in trouble. After class, a few girls walk up to him. The one in the lead is gorgeous, with long curly blonde hair. She the only one without one of those stupid mesh headbands. She is wearing a tiny shirt with a black jean jacket over it. It's revealing, but not slutty.

The girls surround him and curly blonde is right next to him, with big blue eyes. "You need help finding anything?"

"Yeah, actually. Where is-"

Curly blonde takes his schedule and her eyes widen. "I have that class too! Let's go together!" She gives the rest of the girls some kind of meaningful look, and they all disappear.

Khan winks at her but is internally confused. He thinks he know of this girl's intentions and he is not ready for that. It's only his first day.

Curly blonde takes his hand and pulls him down the hall. She doesn't let go as they fall into step together.

"How do you like it here?" she asks.

"It's pretty great," Khan responds.

"Yeah." She smiles. "You should come hang out with us later! My parents paid extra for an apartment for me and all of my friends. We have a pool!"

"Ooh!" Khan says. "I wouldn't say no to a bunch of girls in bikinis."

Curly blonde laughs and Khan wonders if maybe he should say no.

They walk into the classroom just as the bell rings. The teacher is a big guy with glasses and a beard.

"Hey there Christina... and who's this?" So curly blonde's name is Christina.

"I'm Khan."

"From Earth? The US+SC program?"

"Yup," answers Khan.

"Well then how 'bout you tell us a bit about yourself and how you came here and then I'll let you take a seat," booms the teacher.

"Uh, ok," Khan says. He squares his shoulders and says, "Hey, I'm Khan, I come from Montana and play linebacker on my football team."

"Nice!" bellows the teacher. "Now have a seat next to Kellina."

Kellina looks at Khan and scowls. He slides into the seat next to her and pulls out his computer like everyone else.

Similar ordeals happen in the next two classes as well. Then it is lunchtime. Khan grabs his food and sits at the same table they sat at for breakfast, with the rest of the gang from the program. He sees Christina pulling Fifi away from the table. He looks at the people at the table. Azalea avoids his eyes and takes a bite of her sandwich. Harold is deep in conversation with Strom, and Karma stares at him right in the eye. It is all Khan can do not to look away. He hates to admit that he is intimidated by her. Berg and Hulk would laugh their heads off if they saw him today.

"Christina!" Khan yells. Her curls bounce as she turns her head to look.

"Khan! Join us please!" she says, smiling radiantly. Khan jogs over to her and Fifi. Fifi grins at him too.

They sit down at Christina's table full of girls. One of them is the girl with the low-cut shirt who asked him out yesterday at dinner. She glares at Christina and smiles at Khan. Khan can tell she is a player and he does not appreciate that.

Above all, lunch is fun. He likes Fifi and her bubbly personality. He likes Christina, and she lets him play with her hair. Player girl, who's name is Addison, flirts with three guys as they pass.

Soon, the cafeteria starts clearing out. Dipper comes up and brings Fifi and Khan to the lobby area. The others are gathered there and they head off as soon as Fifi and Khan show up. They go down lots of stairs and arrive in a big training area. It is huge, with the floor covered in mats and various equipment lining the walls. Khan immediately perks up. This is something he is good at.

"Alright!" announces Hower. "We're gonna start your physical training right now! This whole first week is strength and endurance training. We gotta build up some muscle! Then, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are strength training. Monday and Friday will be agility, and Wednesday and Sunday will be strategy. Got it?"

Everyone nods and he continues. "We got workout clothes for everyone over there. Now go change!"

Khan grabs the pile of clothes with his name on it. There are two shirts, a pair of shorts, a speedo, socks, shoes, and a little box with things like a mouthguard, a jockstrap, goggles, and other protection. He can see that they will be swimming and he isn't pleased. Where do you even find water in space anyway? There is also a sweatband, which confuses him because who uses a sweatband anymore?

Khan puts on the shorts and shoes. He doesn't like training with a shirt on. Whenever he did strength training for football, everyone took off their shirts. His abs were probably the only thing Berg was ever jealous of him for.

All eyes are on Khan as he came out of the locker room. He winks at Azalea who looks down.

As soon as everyone is out, Hower yells, "Alright, let's get to it! We'll start off nice and easy for today. Follow me to the track!"

They walk onto the track. The wall of the track room is a big window looking out into space. It's beautiful, and one very bright star stands out.

"Is that Venus?" asks Strom.

"Yup," answers Karma.

"THREE LAPS, LET'S GO!!!" yells Hower, and Khan took off.

It feels great to run. There is a slight breeze that feels like a cool summer breeze. It is perfect running conditions. Halfway into his second lap, he passes Harold. He is panting heavily with his flab bouncing up and down as he ran. He almost laps Fifi and Strom but then he reaches the line and stops running. He's a little out of breath, but he feels great. Hower hands him a water bottle with ice-cold water and Khan drinks a few sips as he waits for the others to finish.

Very surprisingly, Azalea is the next one to finish. She puts her glasses back on and chugs her water.

She sees Khan looking at her and says, "Have to be able to run fast in the city."

Khan's eyes widen. He wonders exactly what part of Chicago she is from. But then he supposes, she was a very skinny girl and also probably an easy target for getting mugged.

Karma finishes next and hunches over with her hands on her knees. Fifi had stopped to walk for the millionth time and Harold had stopped running two laps ago.

Khan sits back and wonders if he was going to end up getting more rest than muscle in this program. His football coach would not be happy. Finally, Harold finishes and Hower announces the start of a set of miscellaneous exercises. Khan feels better because when he finishes the set early, Hower lets him run on the track again. 

In The Orbit (Part I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant