37. Harold

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After trailing Fifi into the satellite, losing track of her, watching her come back, get on the pod with Karma, and the pod leave, I was exhausted. And scared out of my mind. Also what was that crap about Fifi trying to shoot Karma?

What the hell was going on?

I sat and cried at the edge of the docking room. About five minutes later, some lady walks in. She is wearing a pink t-shirt and jeans. She leans over me, and holds out a cup of water.

"Hey, have some water. We saw what happened to you on tape."

"Huh?" I gurgle.

"Hey, Fiona was out of her place to pull that stunt with the gun. It will all be okay. Just, please, have some water. You're in shock."

"No... I don't trust you."

She pins me to the floor and plugs my nose. She squeezes my cheeks open and forces the water down my throat. 

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