28. Karma

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Karma's boyfriend isn't texting her back. She doesn't want to sound desperate, but it's hard. That morning, at breakfast, Karma does some internet stalking of him. She searches his Habler, his Facebook page, and his Nets. Nets is a social media app, but someone by the name of No5868 hacked into it and it sent a weird piece of software to everyone. Karma's SmartScreen automatically downloaded it and it screwed everything up. It didn't bother Karma's boyfriend and he still has the app and thinks its cool.

Anyway, she logs onto Nets and her boyfriend has posted multiple updates since she last checked it. She hasn't checked it in about a month, so it makes sense. Some of the old videos bring back memories that make Karma sad. So she scrolls all the way through until the most recent one. She clicks on it.

It starts off with her boyfriend and some girl on a couch. Karma looks closer and sees that the girl is Marcie, the girl who kind of replaced Karma in Chelsea's group once Karma left with her boyfriend. Marcie is short and skinny, with a face like a young Kardashian. She has the butt too. Karma's boyfriend waves at the camera and kisses Marcie. It's not long or gross, but Karma's blood boils. At the end of the video Chelsea pops up with her pink hair and eyebrows and sticks up a beautifully manicured middle finger.

Karma gives a little scream and stalks out of the cafeteria, leaving her breakfast behind. She pockets her phone and heads out towards the training area. She is halfway down the hall to the big training gym when she notices that Azalea is following her.

"Karma!" she says. "What-"

"Go away," snaps Karma. "Let me go."

Karma runs into the training room and punches the nearest softish thing she can find. It is one of those gymnast things and it hurts. Karma is cussing as Azalea leads her over to an actual punching bag. Karma immediately punches it. She screams as pain shoots up her hand. Tears squeeze out of her eyes, and she sits down.

Azalea sits next to her as Karma nurses her hand.

"Tell me what happened," Azalea says.

Karma heaves a sigh and pulls out her phone and shows her. Azalea looks confused.

"That's my boyfriend," Karma explains.

"What a dick," Azalea says.

Karma feels a rush of anger at Azalea for saying that. Her instincts tell her to defend her boyfriend no matter what. Then she realizes how stupid that is and shakes her head. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and gives Azalea a rueful smile.

"There's probably some explanation for it," Karma says.

"Karma, I hate to break it to you, but you're going to be gone for two years. In space. That's a very long-distance relationship. Both of you are probably going to find other people. That's just what happens. But he really should just tell you, not leave it for you to find out online."

Karma slowly nods. Azalea's words hurt, but she knows that they're true. The bell rings and both of them jump.

"Let's get to class," Azalea mutters, and she pulls Karma up.

Karma puts her arm around Azalea as they walk. She is really happy that Azalea is there, with her. She stops in the middle of the hallway and pulls Azalea into a hug.

"Thanks, Azalea."

Azalea is stiff for a moment, then she relaxes and hugs back.

"We should get to class," she says.

"You know what I would do back in Cleveland at moments like these?" Karma says. "I'd cut class. You in?"

"Excuse me?!" Karma imagines Azalea as a cat with her ears flattened. "You can feel free to do that, but I'm going to take full advantage of our being here on the satellite. You want to abuse these chances, feel free. But let me remind you this is the first week and it won't look good when we fail the next test because of you."

Karma is totally affronted. Her first reaction is to scoff about what a "good kid" Azalea is. But then she clamps her mouth shut and keeps her words in. Azalea is right. It's annoying. Karma just wants to be right. But she snorts and walks off in the direction to her classroom.

Karma walks into her class. Everyone looks up as she enters. Its orbital science. She takes her seat in between Khan and Strom in the back of the class.

"Hey... Karma be in our group," Strom says.

"Ok," Karma says.

"It's you, me, Khan, Marty, and Kellina."

Karma looks at Marty and Kellina. Marty is short and very hyper. His hair sticks up almost a foot in the air. Kellina is wearing a faceful of makeup and a big scowl. She also has on a shiny, navy, skintight pantsuit.

Karma hates groupwork. Marty doesn't seem like he'll do much. He and Khan are messing around and haven't even noticed that Karma joined the group. Strom is deep in thought and sketching something out. Kellina is staring at Karma. Karma stares back, not looking away. The last thing Karma wants to do is seem scared.

Karma hears Strom clearing his throat in the background. She keeps her eyes on Kellina's.

"HEY!" Khan yells. "Quit making eye babies! Let's go!"

Karma pulls her gaze away from Kellina and scowls at Khan. "Since when are you doing any work?"

"Shut up. Karma, help me out here," interrupts Strom.

Karma helps Strom figure it out. They have to make a little model of a man-made satellite. It has to be revolving. Strom was trying to make a whole contraption, but Karma realizes it would be easier to use magnets. She is really good with physics.

Karma is surprised when she finds that she is enjoying herself. The fact that her boyfriend cheated on her and Chelsea was a dick about it, and the fact that Azalea's opinion of her just dropped from 100 to zero with just a few words, just zoom from her mind and everything is only about the project. She is disappointed when class ends.

After her next class and lunch, she and the other five program kids go to the training area.

"Weights and yoga today!" chirps Hower as they arrive.

Karma hates yoga. She finds the whole becoming one with your body and clearing your mind stuff complete bullshit.

"Hey, Hower," yells Karma. "Can we not do yoga today please?! All I really want to do is punch shit."

"Sounds like you need some yoga, my friend. But weights first!" Hower shouts in reply.

The weights part is fun. Harold tries to lift too much and drops the weight on his toes. He screams in pain and Khan laughs a little. Azalea makes these funny little grunts every time she lifts her weights. Fifi has a hard time lifting something ridiculously small like four pounds and Hower has to put her on a different set.

Karma rolls her eyes throughout the first few minutes of yoga. Then she realizes that it is getting quite hard. She is really not flexible. She surprises herself by calming down a lot. 

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