29. Khan

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Khan and Fifi set off together to Christina's party that weekend. Christina greets them at her dorm door with huge hugs. She is wearing a tiny top with about seven straps and short purple shorts. She shoves a bottle of something into Fifi's hands and pulls Khan away with her.

"Alright hun, let's make you hot," Christina says with a smirk. "Not that you aren't right now, but there's room for improvement."

Khan raises an eyebrow and lets her unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt and mess with his hair. She leans in really close to his butt as she rolls up his shorts and Khan is reminded uncomfortably of Strom in the podship.

"Aww, you look smashing. Let's go!" Christina says. She grabs his hand and pulls him into the main room of the dorm. All eyes are on them as they walk in. There are probably about thirty people there, so it isn't a huge party.

A girl Khan recognizes walks up to them and whispers to Christina, "Addison's in the broom closet with Carl."

Christina lets out a squeal and Khan can't tell if it's a happy or angry squeal.

"Come on Khan, let's get them out of there," says Christina. Khan wonders why she needs him with her, but he doesn't complain. It's nice to be at a party without Berg interfering with girls' attention.

She brings him down the hall and into the kitchen. She opens a door and grabs a red ponytail and yanks it out of the closet. The ponytail is attached to a shirtless Addison who is attached to a guy Khan thinks is called Gregly. Addison hastily puts her shirt back on.

"What?" she says at Christina's exasperated look. "This is the only place in the apartment without a camera."

"Wait... WHAT?!" Khan shouts. "There are cameras everywhere?"

"Yeah," replies Christina, like it's totally obvious.

"Like... in MY room too?"

"Probably," says Addison. "There's cameras everywhere."

"That's... interesting." Khan's suspicion is growing. Ever since that conversation on the first day in the bathroom, when Harold was crying and Khan punched Strom, Khan has been looking for any signs of disorder. The whole camera thing really freaks him out, and so does Kesselhof. She has been trying way too hard to keep perfect order, like Strom and the cake.

"Come on," urges Christina. We go into the hall. The faint smell of weed is seeping through one of the doors. Christina rolls her eyes and knocks on the door. She barges in. A split second later she screams.

"Do. Not. Go. In there." When Khan tries to take a peek, he sees a bunch of shirtless guys and gets a big enough whiff of marijuana smoke to get him feeling light-headed. Christina covers his eyes and pulls him away.

She leads Khan to the hot tub. There are two other guys in it. They are sitting awkwardly close and talking in very low voices to each other. They move apart once they notice Khan and Christina.

Christina takes off her shirt, revealing a bright red bikini top. She drops her shorts and beckons to Khan to get in with her. Khan strips down to his underwear and hops in with her.

"Nice abs," compliments one of the guys.

"Gaaaayyyyyy..." murmurs the other one.

The first one hits him.

"You guys can feel free to get out..." hints Christina. Both roll their eyes in unison and pull themselves out of the tub.

There is an empty can of Red Bull in the cupholder.

"You have red bull here?" asks Khan.

"Guess so," replies Christina. She scoots closer to Khan. "You really do have great abs," she murmurs.

"Thanks," says Khan, suddenly awkward.

"You have a girlfriend?" she asks.

"No, why? If I did, she would've broken up with me when I left to come here."

"Mhm," says Christina, drinking him in. "You wanna make out?"

She doesn't give him the opportunity to respond and suddenly she is on his lap and her mouth on his. Then the door opens and Strom walks in.

"What the hell?!?!?!" Strom exclaims, shocked. The two guys who were originally in the hot tub appear behind Strom, snickering.

"Called it!" shouts one, holding his hand up to the other for a high five. The other one slaps his hand extremely hard.

Strom barges in and shouts, "Khan, get out! We have to go!"

Khan shoves Christina away. She splashes while trying to catch her balance and looks perplexed and hurt.

"No, Strom, YOU get out," snaps Khan. "What is an antisocial programmer dork like you-"


Fifi and a huge crowd of girls come streaming in. "What's up?" asks Fifi.

"Fifi, Khan, come with me. The officers weren't allowed in, so they sent me in to get you," explains Strom.

"Why..." Khan starts.

"That makes sense," murmurs Fifi. "Strom's probably the least dorky out of all of you people."

Strom rolls his eyes and grabs both of their arms and pulls them out of the apartment. Kesselhof is waiting outside.

"Let's go," she barks. Khan feels awkward. He is wearing nothing but wet boxers.

Azalea puts a hand over her eyes. "Put, some clothes on, please."

"Why?" Khan asks. "Can't resist this hot bod?"

Azalea sighs and says, "I actually really can resist. I am opposed. So get out of my face and put some clothes on."

Khan draws back, pretending to be hurt.

"Cut the crap," Kesselhof snaps. "We got stuff to do." She looks Khan up and down and says, "Ok, go get dressed, be back in two minutes."

Khan hurries back into the party. The first person he sees in Addison. She checks Khan out and grabs his hand and starts to pull him down the hall.

"Addison, I just need clothes..."

She pulls him into the room and closes the door. "It's my room, so we have to leave the door open. But there's always the wardrobe."

Khan suddenly gets an idea. "Yeah, let's do it."

Addison and Khan leave the room, turn the lights off, and come in again. They go into the wardrobe and squeeze in among the hanging clothes. Khan lets her kiss him as he slowly pulls a dress off a hanger. When it is off, he pretends to stumble and shoves the wardrobe door open. He tumbles out and Addison falls on top of him.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go," Khan stutters, and leaves.

"I swear to god, this keeps happening! This is because of Christina, isn't it?!" Addison shrieks.

Khan runs back out of the party and pulls on the dress. It is skin tight and bright red.

"Hot," Fifi sniggers.

"So what are we doing?" Strom asks.

"Listen!" announces Kesselhof. "We got an unidentified satellite passing us in twelve hours. We need you to get on and figure out what it is. We will start off by getting you all fed and equipped, and going over the plan. Let's move!"

In The Orbit (Part I)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora